Page 80 of Perfect Love

The sound of skate guards clanking outside in the corridor had her type faster. The players must have finished up. She needed to get their lockers assigned. She made sure to give Ronan the locker which had slightly more room than the others. He deserved the best.

The door opened and skate guards made their distinctive footsteps inside the locker room.

“Almost done, and I’ll get out of your way.” Calista spoke loud enough so the players would be sure to keep their clothes on until she was out of there. She clicked so snowballs rained over the names, the LED light changed from yellow to blue, and she closed the panel.

Ronan reached her. He had an exercise-flushed face, and a playful expression. “Come quick.” He took her hand and pulled her into the changing room with his name on the front and closed the door behind them.

Calista giggled. “Laundry goes in the bag.” She pointed at his sweaty jersey. “Rest is self-explanatory.”

“Wait for me on the recliner.” Ronan’s voice was low and full of promise.

Her teasing mood tumbled into a sexier one, and she nodded.

Calista went through and paced to burn her giddy energy.

There was the distant masculine chatter, and the opening of doors, mostly drowned out by the heavy spray noise from Ronan’s shower, then he strolled into the cozy space to join her.

Wearing only a towel.