Page 25 of Perfect Love

Dahlia motioned to Calista. “Show Liam a good yoga stretch for his hamstrings.”

Calista rolled from her chair to the floor. She pushed up on her palms, ass in the air. Her hair tumbled forward, and her body formed a triangle as her jersey slid down revealing taut abs.

Ronan couldn’t move to go; instead, he angled his head for a better look.

Liam copied her, his body big and awkward. Nothing to look at there.

Calista exhaled and stepped one foot between her hands and raised her arm, lifting her torso upward, and twisting her hips to the side.

Damn, Ronan’s body tightened like he was the one stretching. Look at her hamstrings.

The door clicked open and Dodo bounded in unaccompanied by Willow or the promised refreshments. “Thanks for waiting, important call, couldn’t be helped. You men know how it is.” Dodo took in the scene, but his eyes glued to the empty Scotch bottle. Dodo rounded on Dahlia. “You know my father gave me that Scotch for a special occasion.”

Dahlia pinched her lips together and shrugged. “Sometimes people make choices they shouldn’t make.” Her voice was pointed. “And I’m not the keeper of your whiskey collection.”

Liam collapsed on the floor. “That’s so hard, but my legs feel better, thanks. You’re too good to me, Calista.”

“They were behind the rope.” Dodo said, as if a tiny, velvet-covered cord equaled Fort Knox and Vatican level security.

“A rope could mean anything,” Saxon said, not without apology. Rookie logic helped here. “I thought it was highlighting and displaying the bottles available to drink.”

Kiernan shrugged one shoulder. “I didn’t even see a rope.”

Liam covered his eyes from where he lay on the floor and didn’t get up. “I saw a rope two drinks ago. I don’t see a rope now.” His speech slurred, and his Canadian accent thickened. Ronan would be sure to pour him into the purity ride share.

Calista popped up and wobbled on her feet. Her face was blushing, and her green eyes were big and innocent.

Dodo rounded on Calista. “As a part of the executive team, if temporarily, you should know to set an example.”

Ronan stepped forward.

Dodo went on, not realizing how close he was to being smashed. “Don’t think I won’t inform my attorneys that you’re up here drunk off your ass with the team.”

Calista twisted her torso toward Dahlia. “Am I on my ass?”

“Nope,” Dahlia said.

Calista spun back and nodded confidently.

Dodo moved a foot closer to Calista. “You keep taking my things. Those bottles were clearly marked.”

Dodo was twice Calista’s size. Thought he could bully her? Red mist settled in front of Ronan’s eyes. He held his body tense and breathed slowly so he didn’t lose it.

“What rope?” Calista muttered, repeating Kiernan’s lame excuse. “I didn’t see a rope.”

Her response struck Ronan as funny, and he laughed, so did Kiernan.

Their laughter made Dodo’s face flush red.

The guy was still his owner, that calmed Ronan’s humor. He needed to keep his head down so his future trade went smoothly. Calista could defend herself.

“You lot, out.” Dodo pointed to the door. “You’re banned from this office.”

Dream come true. Happy to comply. Ronan hooked Liam’s arm, helped him up, and out the door.

They headed to the elevator as a rowdy chuckling group and crowded in.

Liam hung back. As the broadest shouldered guy, he could be hyper aware spatially, they all could, given their height and builds. Kiernan pressed and held the open-door button. The elevator doors buzzed, having been ajar too long.

Kiernan grabbed Liam’s arm. “Make room.” He yanked his teammate in.

Ronan shifted so his back flattened to the wall. Though there was room between him and Calista, who was in the corner, he did his best not to get any closer. Even from here he could breathe in her vanilla scent. No player should know what his team owner smelled like. He inhaled deeper. Or felt like. He’d never ever felt such soft skin, not ever. His fingers clenched, and he lifted his arm over Calista’s head and flattened his palm to the side wall before he did something stupid like touch her.

The doors closed and the elevator jerked into motion. Calista wobbled.

Ronan moved his hand from the wall to the small of Calista’s back to support her. She didn’t look at him, but she leaned into his hand. Her waist was curved just right, and he couldn’t make his hand drop off of her.