Page 91 of Perfect Love

They shared a look. Neither believed it.

Still could be possible though. Calista shrugged.

Ronan pocketed the drives. “I’ll give each one to the respective woman whose name is on it. Say I found the data device at my rental, and the truth, that I didn’t look at the contents.”

They searched another half hour but didn’t find anything else that jumped out at them, so they turned the lights off and went back out. Ronan went to the wagon and got the plywood. He held it in place over the opening.

Calista secured the corners with a handful of screws and her drill. “Stupid of Dodo to have me fix the hole. He must not have known what room your ex’s shoe went through.”

Ronan rubbed his forehead. “I’ll call movers and arrange storage, because Dodo will want me out as soon as the women hear about the storage drives and confront him. He’ll figure out who found them and spoiled his secret.” He met her gaze. “Your things are still here. We need to pack. I’ll stay at a hotel for now.”

Calista said nothing and went to the stairs to gather her stuff.

Ronan followed and touched her arm, stilling her. “You were mine. If only briefly.” He swallowed. “Intensely. I didn’t like that people didn’t believe we were together.”

That had hurt her feelings. Calista fought for the mature answer. “We’re both good at hiding things.”

“Being secretive, sneaking around, that’s not how I want to live my life.”

Calista opened her palms. She was potentially the new owner, and he was the star player. What else could they have done? Or was this about more, how weirdly quiet she could be? “I can’t tell people everything that’s in my head. No one can, and I’d bore them.”

Ronan put his finger under her chin and lifted so his eyes met hers. “You’ve never bored me.”

Calista’s heart pattered and eased. He always surprised her with incredible words. She made a pleased sound. “Oh.”

Ronan’s expression softened, then hardened, and he dropped his hand away. “If the news is lifechanging it should be shared, like your bringing on Zee. I know you know that.” He sounded jealous.

Calista pursed her lips. She did know that, and she did share, just not in the timeframe all her loved ones wanted. She blew out a breath. On the whole of things he could have asked her to change, that one was the most reasonable. Would he give her a chance to try? The only way that could happen was if he stayed. “You didn’t tell me your news either.”

“Guess we’re both to blame.” He looked at her steadily. “That should make our goodbye easier.”

“Is that what this is?” Her voice cracked.

“I would never date the owner of the team I play for.”

Calista breathed in and out.

“Or someone who’d put me last.”

Calista felt her color drain and could say nothing. Spinning on her heel, she left without her stuff.

* * *

Calista went home that night to her empty house and stayed in her old room. She ignored her family and friends’ calls when they rang to check on her. Ronan was the only one she wanted to speak with, and they weren’t talking. She didn’t sleep that night, and the arbitration meeting reconvened the next morning, though now she was even less emotionally capable of handling the outcome.

Calista arrived last. She took the seat between her cousin and her sister, and could feel their supportive stares, but she didn’t meet their gazes.

Dodo checked his watch and then turned to the dancers. “I want to start today on a positive note. You know me, we love our Snowers dancers. I am making my position clear. I’d never cut the dance squad.” Dodo wore one of his sharpest suits. He sounded bluff and hearty. In front of him were small turquoise bags, one for each dancer. The three women were representing the entire dance team, but Dodo had only brought enough bags for the ones here. He rose, placed a bag in front of each dancer, then retook his seat.

The first woman loosened the tie on her bag and held up a silver necklace with a diamond covered puck on the front.

Could the dancers be bought? Ugh, this whole arbitration hearing was about ownership. Of course they could. How would Dad handle this as a business owner? No one had ever tried to woo their mechanics away with jewelry, and that was the extent of her work experience. Calista sank lower in her chair.

Dodo spoke to the room at large. “The organization pays for our dancers to travel with us, their bar tab, cosmetic bills, and their monthly hair salon appointments. We also have a program allowing leave for enhancements if they are so inclined, fillers, saline double Ds or higher.”

“Are we getting anything more? Anything new?” the head dancer asked.

Olivia nodded approvingly as the dancer took the opportunity to ask for more.