Page 87 of Perfect Love

Calista said nothing.

Olivia gave a proud and faux modest nod which shifted some of the attention off Calista.

Judge Johnston tapped the bottom of the page. “Whereas the Applebaums contend they never meant to let the team go, promise a continued running streak of wins, and solid management.” He frowned. “But they’ve also agreed to release Captain Ronan Stromkin from his contract, per his request. This was unwelcome news.”

Piper grabbed Calista’s left armrest, and Dahlia put her hand on the other one, caging her in support. Calista froze. She didn’t need support. She’d misheard. Her gaze sought Ronan’s, as did everyone else’s in the room.

Ronan’s face conveyed a million things, but none of them shouted that the judge’s announcement was a lie.

He was leaving? Calista stared harder at Ronan, waiting for him to correct the mistake.

Ronan looked down.

He was leaving?Her chest tightened, cutting off her ability to breathe and stopping the whimpering mewling sound that wanted to emerge from her throat.

The judge was asking something, but all she heard was garbled speech. Ronan was leaving. Heat washed over her face and then fled, leaving her chilled all over. Why? When? Why hadn’t he told her? How long had he known? What would she do without him? Her? Shouldn’t she be thinking about the Snowers? She was that far gone, that the team didn’t matter? Calista stared at the judge blankly.

“We need a minute,” Olivia said. “This was not disclosed.”

“This is not a trial,” Dodo’s lawyer said.

Judge Johnston was not unsympathetic. “I see this is news to you also. Why don’t we take twenty?”

“We’ve barely begun,” Dodo’s lawyer shoved in, taking advantage of their weakness.

“Recess.” Judge Johnston rose. “Reconvene at the top of the hour.”

* * *

Everyone rose at once. The players went to Ronan. Her friends and family encircled her. The noise was loud and oppressive. Calista slipped around Piper, waved her off and jetted from the room. She headed straight to her favorite seats in the stadium and sank into her spot. She drew in a deep breath.

Here was one of the places she’d first felt normal. When a kid in her class had seen her at the game and given her a high five. When a fan had patted her on the shoulder because she was a fellow Snowers’ fanatic. When the movement and energy had taken her out of her head and cleared her busy mind.

“Thought I’d find you here.” Ronan came up the aisle and sat beside her. “Did you really seal an offer with Zee?” He sounded oddly neutral, as if he hadn’t just upended her world.

She nodded.

“I’m captain, shouldn’t you have told me?” His jaw tightened. “How long have you been planning this with Zee?”

Tears burned her eyes, and responses clogged in her throat. She couldn’t answer. He wanted to leave. She rose.

Ronan took her arm and stood up in front of her. He moved closer and cupped her hip. “Calista.”

They stared at each other, breathing heavily.

He could not be mad about Zee. Not when he was the one who’d had a bigger secret. She could tell from his blue eyes that he knew what this standoff was really about. He’d just taken the offensive, like a true sports star, aiming to win. She looked down.

“They’re ready for us,” Dodo called from the first row. He was staring hard from one of them to the other.

Anyone, absolutely anyone, would have been preferable to Dodo Applebaum to come get her. He likely knew that.

Calista squared her shoulders and went back to the conference room.

* * *

They all sat down again in their same spots. Dodo raised his hand as if he were in class. “Before we get everyone’s two cents, I want to speak up for Ronan Stromkin and point out he should recuse himself.”

Ronan’s head snapped up.