Page 86 of Perfect Love

They wished Calista a “Goodnight,” and went up to the extra guest room.

He and Calista moved to the couch. Calista was tracing a design against the thigh of her jeans.

“What are you drawing?” Ronan brushed the silky strands of her hair aside so he could trace a pattern on her neck with his fingertips.

Calista shivered in reaction to his touch and shifted closer. “I’ve been planning a hotel connected to the stadium, with a section for singles and one for families. Fans can have all day outings, watch the game, and stay over. I was thinking about your parents coming up, having to pack just to see you. I want to add parent condos to the hotel, a wing of tiny apartments where they could leave their stuff. That way, they could come more often. Even if you were leaving the next day, they could stay longer.”

Damn, she was going to make a thoughtful team owner. She was making the prospect of remaining in Austin an interesting, not before considered option. His heart pounded hard. He needed to talk to her and tell her about his intentions, discuss options with her. Not this weekend though, he’d enjoy their time together. He swung her legs over his lap so he could pull her closer.

* * *

Monday, an organizational notice came through on Ronan’s phone inviting him to attend the upcoming arbitration meeting. The judge wanted to know who the starters would support in terms of ownership. Just like the front office to force them to show their hand.

His agent texted him within the hour. “Know you must have heard about the hearing. They want the key players there. I leveraged this to your advantage. I let the Applebaum team know if they allow you out of your contract, they’ll have your vote. They’re on board. This came at just the right time.”

His skin chilled, and the hair on his arms prickled.


* * *

As Calista and Piper walked through the door to the arbitration meeting, Piper bent her head to Calista’s ear. “I went by the house to help you get ready for today.”

Calista said nothing. Good thing Piper hadn’t found her. Piper would have made her wear a suit like she and Dahlia were wearing. Calista was much comfier in her jeans and jersey, and today she needed all the empowerment she could get. Her hands were sweaty, and her brain spun with all the possibilities about how this meeting could go. Dodo could take everything and ban her from the stadium. Or she could take her seventy percent, sealing her position as owner, which would end her and Ronan. Calista drew in a shallow breath, then another in quick succession. Both options were bad.

Piper kicked her foot, making her hop and miss a step. “We both know what the house would look like if you were staying there.” Piper’s familial green eyes took on a big sister suspicious gleam. “You haven’t texted me where you’re actually staying.”

Calista gave her big eyes and didn’t answer.

“I will find out,” Piper said.

They reached the conference room door. Noise buzzed from the other side. Piper gave her a quick hug. “You’ve got this.”

Calista nodded, though she didn’t have half of Piper’s confidence. They moved through the door into the packed conference room. The usual chairs surrounded the table, but most people were standing. The star players were present and three of the dancers, along with Dodo and his lawyers, Dahlia, Olivia, Vivien, and the judge.

Piper joined Mikah while Calista hovered just inside the entrance, trying to steady her breathing while her mind bombarded her by rehashing possible outcomes. She could not make her feet move forward and inched backward until she could use the wall as support.

“Looks like we’re all here. The honorable Judge Johnston calls the meeting to order.” One of Dodo’s lawyers said, as if they were in the courthouse rather than in the conference room.

Judge Johnston waved his hand. “None of that formality is needed Preston. But, yes, all take your seats please. For the sake of order, I’d like Dodo Applebaum and his lawyers on the right. The Amvehls and their people on the left. Lead dancers, Coach, and the Snowers’ starters in the middle.”

The attendees moved into place with a nervous energy, no one questioning the judge’s authority. The judge who would rule on her future, based on what she had to say. Her throat closed up.

The judge grinned a professional, but sincere, grin in the direction of the players. “It is a true honor to meet the team.” He went around the table and shook each player’s hand before sitting opposite them.

“We’ll talk later,” Piper said to Calista in a low voice as they sank into their spots.

Calista nodded, too nervous to be concerned about anything other than this meeting. Was she the only one sweating? Dang. For once, she shouldn’t have worn her jersey. Calista smoothed her palm over the bottom of the twenty-twos on her shirt front, and the motion helped. So did her group’s easy demeanors. Olivia looked calm, Dahlia composed, and Piper wore a supportive smile. Vivien had dressed casually like her. Her pink t-shirt featured a llama with a gavel in his mouth. Would the judge find that disrespectful? Probably, maybe, he could think it was funny. She had to hold herself together. At least after today, the decision would be done. She snuck a glance at Ronan. His gaze met hers with gentle understanding.

Her breathing eased. She could get through this.

Judge Johnston flattened his hand on a brown folder. “I’ve had time to consider binders full of information. Your lawyers have been earning their retainers.”

There were a few chuckles.

“I’ve received the signatures that you all agree my decision is binding.” Judge Johnston spoke solemnly. “Now I want to hear from the invested parties personally. I want a 360-degree view of what the organization could look like going forward.” He flipped open the binder. “Ms. Amvehl has lined up Czerski brothers Jakob, Conrad, and Zenon. This was welcome news to me.”

Heads swiveled, and eyes stared at her, everyone’s. Ronan’s eyebrows arched, and he frowned.