Page 58 of Perfect Love


Inside the birthday gift was a circular maple box, cut like a hockey puck. Liam smelled the box, and then lifted the hinged lid to reveal an array of glass bottles. Each held syrup from different maple-producing regions in Canada and the U.S.A.

“I love this so much.” Liam pulled her to him in a side hug. “Best owner ever.”

Calista giggled.

More voices came from the area where people were parking.

Liam carefully closed the lid and put the box beside him. He put his hand on the top, started to read the menu, then shook his head, and rose. “This isn’t for sharing. I’ll put this in my truck.” He took the gift and jogged back to the parking area, holding his treasure tight to his side.

His happy reaction sent perfect, warm fuzzies through her. Maybe she’d volunteer to do the February birthdays too. But probably not.

Piper and Mikah pulled up.

Calista’s heart lifted higher.

Her sister had her elbow hooked with Mikah’s, and they were walking in now. They looked like a superstar couple in their casual day clothes, cashmere sweaters, jeans, and sunglasses.

Calista waved, and they came straight to her.

Piper hugged her. “We thought we’d come early to help out, but everything looks handled.”

Mikah gave her a fist bump while nodding. “You nailed the Canadian.”

Calista giggled.

Piper tightened her warm grip. “This is great. You know these guys can’t sit still, and you gave them a distraction to go with their treat.”

Calista nodded, her elevated mood bubbly. “I’m the pancake part. The rest was Vivien and Olivia.” Her two friends were currently over by the juicers, setting out glasses.

“They outdid themselves.” Piper waved at the two women and gave them a thumbs up. The music started through the speakers, fun popular tunes, and Piper and Mikah grabbed a booth with her. More guests arrived and snagged Liam who was returning.

“How’s your class going?” Piper asked.

“Professor Terrence says hi. Olivia says we need an angle to pass. Got any intel?”

Piper nodded. “Sounds like a great conversation to have over pancakes.”

Mikah lifted the menus. He gave Calista a nod of approval, and after quick selections, the three of them had breakfast together.

Ronan came with the second wave of arrivals. Her enthusiasm simmered, but Calista kept her emotions on the inside and her stares discreet.

Ronan took a chair at an outer table with some of the newer players.

Calista couldn’t help how much she wanted to hear his thoughts, but she resisted going over. Everyone already knew he was her favorite from her jersey-wearing choices. She had no problem with that truth, but because she and Ronan had taken their relationship to a different sphere, she didn’t know quite how to act or contain herself.

“Want to circulate?” Piper asked.

“Nope.” Best to stay neutral and greet people as she ran into them.

Mikah chuckled. “We’ll see if anyone needs anything.” He rose and joined Piper, putting an arm around her back.

“I’ll check the equipment.” Calista went to examine the coffee station. Not much to see, giant grinder, big bag of imported beans. The grinder’s blades spun cheerily, giving the booth the aroma of the best coffee shops. The electrical cords were taped down to the asphalt, and the caterer had everything covered. Hmm, that rotation was a touch sluggish. With a minor adjustment, they could grind coffee beans twice as fast. Calista took a step toward the grinder.

“Hey.” Ronan’s deep voice came from her left.

His one word triggered a yummy shiver. Calista turned to him. Wow, his height, his build, and she knew what he looked like without the navy t-shirt and dark jeans. She was so lucky. She quivered as delighted electrical sparks bounced through her.