Page 57 of Perfect Love

Calista nodded. “Looks like it.”

He stared at the bowl. “What’s in there?”

“Come see.” Calista moved in that direction.

Liam quickly caught up and passed her, his stride easy and athletic, his bright green eyes fascinated. He patted the side of the bowl. “Looks like syrup. Great color. Looks real.”

Calista reached up and over the rim to pat the brown sun-warmed top. “It is,” she whispered.

“No, freaking way.” Liam copied her moves with both hands, an easier reach for him because of his height. The wind ruffled his hair, which was a cooler brown than the amber liquid.

Vivien saw them and waved. She raised her voice so they could hear her from the pancake stack. “What do you think?”

“This is amazing.” Liam waved. “Thanks, Vivien.”

Vivien blushed and adjusted the stack of pancakes. “You’re welcome.”

“This is making me so hungry.” Liam had his gaze glued to the bowl, but he dropped his hand to his stomach.

“You don’t have to wait, the pancake part is my doing.” Calista led him back to the throne. “You get the king’s chair.”

“Hell yeah.” Liam slid in place and eyed the menu, which had different flavors of pancakes, juices, coffees, and teas. In the center of the table was a glass container of maple syrup atop a heating element. “Amazing, I’m the maple syrup king.” He drew the title out, and his emerald eyes gleamed. “Thank you, Calista.”

“You are super welcome.” His delight was making her get why Mom and Piper made time for party planning.

Calista slid her final gift over so it landed right in front of him. “Open mine early.”

Liam tilted the blue paper to the sunlight, admiring the Snowers wrapping, and then he tore off the paper.