Page 56 of Perfect Love

Frankly, Calista still liked her own idea best. Not that the two were mutually exclusive. Still, their lack of enthusiasm for her fancy brunch stung. Maybe only guys thought with their stomachs. The workers at Dad’s shop would have been stoked to have a pancake brunch. “Artie? Any input?”

Artie made slurping sounds with his mouth. “Girls could wrestle in the syrup.”

Olivia held up her palm. “Clean it up, Artie. Your next contribution had better be something you could say in front of the teacher, your mother, and your priest, or you won’t like the consequences.”

Artie held up his phone so the microphone was nearer to Olivia. “Say that again, but in a sharper voice.”

Olivia gathered her things. “I’m out.”

Calista left too.

Without thinking too much about her destination, Calista went back to Ronan’s house. When she walked in, Ronan was headed out, a travel bag over his shoulder. Calista put her keys on the table. “Any interest in food before you go?”

“They want us at the stadium early. I didn’t pick the best day to start us.” He closed his eyes.

She didn’t want him to go, but she totally understood. “Have a good game,” she said quietly.

Ronan met her gaze and brushed her lips with his. Their lips parted, and he lingered, sending echoes of the sensations she’d felt last night through her. He lifted his head, gave her another quick kiss, and backed to the door. “I have to go.” He slipped away.

The door clicked shut, and she sighed. Should she have suggested meeting him at his away hotel? Would that be welcome or too much? Some other women would likely know instinctively. She did not, and she was missing him already.

Hunger tightened her stomach. That she could address. Calista went to the kitchen and stared into his fridge full of fresh fruits and vegetables, then ate an apple and drank a glass of milk for dinner. While dining, she thought long and hard about people being in maple syrup, and how that applied to an adult brunch, and she couldn’t reconcile it.

She texted her friends. “The syrup will make a cool visual, but no humans inside. Beyond that, you’re free to take the event up any notch you like. I’ll contact the caterer. Olivia, will you arrange the venue? Vivien, will you sort the decor and party favors?”

Olivia texted back right away. “On it.”

See, she could delegate. Day-to-day operations weren’t beyond her reach. Calista emailed her favorite breakfast restaurant, put her glass in the dishwasher, and headed upstairs. She had nothing to worry about, she’d leave the rest of the planning to her buddies.

* * *

The next two days went quickly, though Calista only got to see Ronan on TV. On screen, he remained her favorite hockey player, but her fan feelings were mixed with new knowledge and complex layers. She texted him after their win, and he replied right away.

Despite his not being back until today, she was still staying in one of Ronan’s guest rooms. She reasoned that she still had work to do on his treadmill; once she left, it would be weird just to show up again; plus, home was big and empty with her family away.

The party planning kept her distracted and was on track. Olivia had chosen the parking lot of the men’s favorite bar as a venue. Everyone knew how to get there, they’d use heat lamps to keep the area cozy, and there was ample parking across the street. As soon as Calista got out of her SUV and felt the stellar Austin sunshine and sixty-degree temperature, she knew her brunch would go off perfectly. She focused on that, instead of the overwhelming fact that she was about to see Ronan again.

The décor was breakfast all the way. There was a giant blown-up slide the width of a minivan that looked like a strip of wavy bacon. The end landed in a bowl of syrup covered by a clear heavy-duty plastic. The bowl itself was the size of two round king beds. Calista couldn’t resist reaching her arm over the top and pressing down. The wobbly sensation was the same as a gel filled toy she’d had as a kid. Would make a nice landing.

She wandered over to the seating area. Ten tables had been set up. Most had five chairs, some had booth seating, and the one in the middle had a throne. Her lips twitched, she could see this event actually working out nicely.

“Hey, Calista.” Liam weaved through the tables to reach her.

Calista placed his final present from her in front of the throne. “Welcome back.”

“All this for me?” Liam wore a big grin, casual jeans, and a green polo shirt the shade of his eyes.

His getting there early worked for Calista because she did better with small groups. She nodded. “Happy Birthday.”

Liam placed his hand over his heart. “Dude, wow, thank you.”

Calista pointed to Olivia, who was stacking oranges in baskets by the juice bar while the caterer threw up her hands as if Olivia had implied she’d piled them incorrectly to start with. “Olivia picked the venue, and Vivien did the décor.”

“Epic.” Liam did a double take. His gaze was glued to the slide and king-sized bowl.

Vivien was carrying a stack of human-sized pancake cushions. She piled them by the stairs leading to the top of the slide.

“We ride down on a pancake cushion?” Liam got it right away. He grinned even bigger.