Page 55 of Perfect Love

“Oh yeah, hot guy party planning continues, now that’s a class project.” Vivien shifted to face them and wiggled her colorful energy drink can in the air. “We’re going to be pros at social events before the year is out.”

Yikes, she hoped this was the only event she’d have to throw. This would definitely go on her agenda with Dahlia when the ownership paperwork was final. They could offer the party planning job to Piper. Piper could whip up a great bash easily, like Mom. If Piper wasn’t interested, they’d post the position.

“Let’s consider the title, Hot Guy Party.” Olivia had her lawyer-look on. “We can’t use that when describing our activities to the professor. We have to think this through. We’re not just free-wheeling coeds. We’re after our diplomas here.”

Vivien looked mulish. “There’s no shame in calling a hot guy hot. The professors here aren’t as prudish as you would think. You wouldn’t believe what half of them are into.” Vivien side-eyed her laptop indicating where she’d gotten her intel.

“Spare me,” Olivia said.

At the same time, Calista asked, “Like what?”

Olivia held up her palm. “We need to work out the festivities. Let’s face it, we don’t have a stadium ton of experience speaking to professional athletes, much less catering to their needs. We need time to research, but we’re on a tight schedule.”

“True,” Vivien said.

Artie revved up his wheeled arm and lapped the room. The motor roared. He had a dual battery pack strapped to the forearm, that gave more speed, but the noise level had also increased. For every gain there was a drawback.

“That’s loud,” Olivia said.

Artie nodded enthusiastically, as if torturing their eardrums was a positive outcome.

What did he drive? Before now, Calista would have guessed a wagon with an elongated hatchback to hold his gear. Now, she was thinking jacked up truck with oversized speakers.

“Calista,” Olivia prompted.

Right, party planning, Liam. “My idea is a pancake brunch. I’ll call a local restaurant to handle the cooking, everyone can sleep in, and then arrive at a catered feast.” Calista made the motion of flipping hot cakes on a griddle. Her stomach danced. That actually sounded good right now. She’d skipped lunch and was hungry.

Vivien twisted her lips, and Olivia tilted her head as if waiting to hear the rest.

Oh, she had more. “All the guys are invited, and they can bring dates. Full waitstaff will serve, I’ll import a variety of maple syrup. We can have a big coffee, tea, and juice bar.” Their faces were still unimpressed. Calista’s voice died off, that was what she had.

Vivien arched her dark eyebrows. “So, breakfast? For twenty-three athletes. Okay for an initial idea.”

“It’s brunch, that way they can sleep in.” Calista crossed her arms over her chest. “I also ordered big recliner massage chairs for the conference room.” Though the placement of those might have to wait until she knocked out the wall to expand the space. How were her friends not high fiving her? Everyone wanted pancakes in a big chair. She wanted a fluffy buttermilk pancake right now with melted butter and, yeah, maple syrup. The more she pictured the golden round pancake, the more her stomach grumbled.

“It’s a fine idea,” Olivia said carefully, “It’s just not…exciting.”

“Meh.” Vivien contributed.

Calista’s shoulders sagged. Though, their mediocre resistance was better than Dodo and the GM’s outright rejection. If Dodo and the GM had their way, the big chairs wouldn’t happen, and that left her with pancakes. Was there anything else Liam liked maple syrup on? Waffles? Or was that only in the French part of Canada? No, that would be crepes. Where did waffles come from? Why was this so complicated?

When could Piper help her again? Surely, Liam’s party crossed the ownership divide. No, if she called and begged Piper, it would be like Dodo winning. No one wanted that. Jerry did. Willow did. The GM did. Calista had to get out of her head before she tanked her own idea. “What are you guys thinking?”

“Bigger.” Vivien pumped her palms in the air. “Like the Mer-bar, but full of syrup.”

Olivia tilted her head. “The fish…”

“The only fish will be people.”

Interesting, like diving inside a tree, though that didn’t sound scientifically possible. Calista arched her brows. “Have O2 tanks been tested in those conditions?”

“Veto.” Olivia said. “You know I can’t swim.”

Vivien frowned. “After we decided on the maple syrup theme, I used a bit of discretionary cyber funds, and ordered tubs full of Vermont’s finest. We are on a deadline, so I was being proactive.”

“Bathtubs will work.” Olivia nodded as if seeing her vision. “Like in Vegas, where waiters lounge in tubs holding up cocktail trays, but guests will need to volunteer to lay in the stuff. Voluntary consent. No paperwork needed, just a sign with an open invitation to sit in the syrup at their own risk.”

“Yes, yes.” Vivien nodded. “But make it communal fun, one big vat, come one, come all.”