Page 47 of Perfect Love


Calista watched him closely for his reaction. Ronan’s mouth dropped open, and a flush hit the top of his cheeks. “You always surprise me.”

Calista looked down. Before the feelings of not being normal could swamp her, Ronan tilted her chin up with one finger. “I like it.” He bent and brushed his lips over hers. “You surprise me in the best ways, and I love your request.”

Pleasure sparkled through her, and a new surge of confidence made her run fingers up his arms to his shoulders. Calista grazed her nails lightly against his tan skin and tunneled her hands into his hair. She did not want to waste a moment of time with him.

Ronan slipped his hands under her jersey. They were warm and strong on her bare skin.

Sensations zoomed through her. “Mmm.”

Ronan dropped his hands to her thighs and parted her knees so he could step between them, and he hooked her legs around his hips. The move was intense and exciting, like watching him on ice, but on a sexy level.

Ronan put his hands under her bum and lifted her.

Calista tightened her grip instinctively, though she had confidence in his strength. Being in his arms had cracked open an alternative universe to her, and she was happy to be carried through the portal.

Ronan bent to kiss her neck, licked the same spot, and then began walking, taking her upstairs and into his darkened bedroom.

Her mind was reeling. This was happening.


With Ronan.

Unbelievable and perfect, at the same time. What would he look like without his clothes? What would he feel like?

Ronan placed her atop his fluffy comforter and bent to pull her shoes and socks off while he kicked off his own. He scooted her up toward the pillows then sat beside her. They were both still fully dressed, and he moved slowly, as if he wanted to take his time with her. He kissed her. His mouth was warm and sent flutters from her lips throughout her body, relaxing and thrilling.

The more they kissed, the more her clothes became restrictive, heavy, and she gripped his biceps hard, wanting more, needing all of him to touch all of her. She let go and tugged at her shirt.

Ronan followed the motion with his gaze. “I love my jersey on you, but now all I want is for it to come off.”

She felt the same. Calista lifted the top further.

Ronan groaned, and then helped clear the jersey and exercise top from her body. “You’re gorgeous.” He stripped off his own shirt.

Calista shivered. “You’re stunning.” Her mouth dried up. All that honed athletic perfection within touching distance. This sexual moment was more overwhelming than when he wore his uniform, and that had caused some crazy vivid flutters. This was different, erotic. She leaned forward and licked and sucked on his neck to show him how she was feeling. He needed to do something about her tight nipples and her aching core, to put his glorious body to carnal use. She wiggled her hips and shifted, rubbing against him, going with what felt good. “Mmm.” The sensation eased one heartbeat and then intensified the throbbing between her legs in the next.

Ronan moved over her, pressing his knees between hers, wedging her legs open, and creating space to settle between her thighs.

Calista dropped her head back to the pillow. “Yes, like that.” Being with him was amazing. His masculine hands and their connection were beyond enchanting.

He cupped her through her pants.

The sensation was shocking but enthralling and sent an explosion of lava through her. “Oh, I like that too.”

Ronan chuckled in a husky, pleased way and met her gaze. “Me too.” His lips landed on hers, parting them with his tongue. He played with her lips with his teeth and explored her reactions.

More drugging kisses and her bra was gone. She rubbed her breasts against him, indulging in the sensations.

“You’re even softer than I imagined, and your moves are killing me,” Ronan said in a husky voice between kisses that trailed from her jaw to her breast. Then he took her left nipple in his mouth and sucked while caressing her other breast with one hand. “Tell me everything you like, and I’ll give it to you.”

Gah, she couldn’t form a sentence. “Yes, me too.” Did that even make sense? His weight was so satisfying, while contrarily his mouth was making her ache and writhe. “Please.” Calista didn’t recognize her own plea. Her need, and how right she felt with him emboldened her, and she moved her fingers from caressing his back to the button of his jeans.

Ronan rolled off and stripped. He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a box of condoms. He struggled with the wrapping, as if he, the most highly coordinated man she knew, was having difficulty getting a box open. He ripped the end off and shook condoms out on the pillow before letting the box fall to the bed.

Ronan tugged her yoga pants lower, but not off. His gaze was caught on the pale blue of her panties. “So pretty.” He slipped his fingers under the elastic and cotton. He touched her lightly, exploring and setting off trembly vibrations through her. “I don’t care if you wear comfy, I love your reactions.” He stroked her again.