Page 41 of Perfect Love

Ronan shifted his hand to the small of her back, and she relaxed against his touch.

Olson continued. “The front row had to feel the spray of that ice.”

Calista nodded hard. “You work for Washington still?”

Olson nodded. “My son is negotiating my final GM contract. Ulric’s the finance guru in the family. He’s got them at the right ballpark, just need to get the four-year duration, so I won’t have to move around as I run up on retirement.”

Ronan glanced at Calista. “His son’s a whiz managing my finances too. He focuses on the long term.”

Olson ran his hand over his graying hair. “Will be nice for the wife when we know where I’ll ride out the rest of my career.”

Calista nodded. “Our current GM walks if Dodo loses majority share.” She frowned. “Maybe I shouldn’t say that.” She shrugged. “Can you recommend a new GM for us if we take ownership?”

Her conversation wouldn’t have made much sense to most outsiders, but Olson was up on hockey news.

“I’m sure I can drop a name or two,” Olson said easily. “You guys going to watch the Yotes tonight?”

Calista glanced at the clock and squeaked. “Yeah, nice to meet you.” She jumped up and went to the stairs. “I’ll get my computer.” She paused, eyeing Ronan’s big screen and arched her eyebrows at him. “You have all the sports channels?”

Ronan nodded. “I’ll take this outside, you do your thing.” He took the call out to the screened in patio.

After a satisfying conversation with Olson confirming he was moving forward with trade negotiations, Ronan returned.

Ronan and Calista watched the Yotes game together. Watching hockey with Calista was a unique experience. She was quiet and completely focused. If he asked a question or pointed out a move, she responded. Other than that, she was into the action and in her own head. Unique was a great word for her. After that, they hit the sack early.

The next morning Ronan found Calista in the gym working on his treadmill, and he brought her a breakfast sandwich. A suitable reward because his treadmill parts were coming together again. He left her to work and went to practice. After he returned, he went straight to his gym. “How’s it going?”

Calista frowned at four small bolts in her palm. “Done this week for sure, probably.”

“Good. If you like, you’re welcome to stay over.”

She nodded. “Care if I do laundry?”

“No problem.”

Calista stretched. “Mom makes me go to yoga. Mechanical work is physical, but it can be a long time spent in one position.” She curled her fingers over the bolts and stretched her body straight out on the floor. “I need to thank her.”

Ronan watched as Calista went from lying flat to rolling up onto her tiptoes reaching for the ceiling. He admired her form until the alarm on the front door chirped, breaking his attention.

“Ronan.” Bria’s voice called out; the sound carried up the stairs sharp and clear.

“Bria.” Ronan cursed softly. “My ex, she knows the entry code, didn’t think to change it.”