Page 40 of Perfect Love

Calista grinned, reached out, and twisted it so they split the bread.

He liked her move. “Which interest bought you the Snowers?” He bit into the fluffy carbs.

“Innovations. I’ve made a few automobile tweaks over the years.” Calista spun her finger. “Most flopped. A few took off. My money manager used the proceeds and snapped up Snowers stock along the way. Then a block came up, and I bought it.”

Sounded like a fair deal to him. “Will Dodo overturn your purchase?”

Calista frowned. “I don’t know.” Her face grew dreamy. “If I get to keep the team, the benefits are amazing. Dahlia retains her job, I can watch practices, go to all the games, make improvements, and get my favorite seats. We’ll both be upset if the sale doesn’t go through.”

“And if you don’t get to keep the team, what will you do with your money if the funds revert back to you?” After drinking more than his usual single glass of wine, he was stepping in none-of-his-business territory with abandon.

“Same as now. Give most away, set up trusts for my family, and invest the rest.”

Solid plan. It always stunned him how carelessly some of his colleagues dealt with their money given how short hockey careers were. Many went for the high life, some got spread thin because of extended families, others planned for the far future. Not his business though, people got to make their own decisions and map out their own lives. He was mostly socking his own money away in hopes of a wife, kids, and a boat. “No billionaire champagne lifestyle?

“No,” Calista whispered. “That’s why I kept the money secret so long. I didn’t let Dahlia and Piper know that I had listened to them all the times they’d encouraged me to patent my ideas and sell my inventions.” She stared at her wine glass. “I didn’t want things to change at home because we have a great life, all of us together, supporting each other. Now, they’re changing anyway. Piper is always at Mikah’s. He could stay with us some, but I think he thinks that’s odd when he has a place in town.”

The urge to cuddle and reassure her pushed at his conscience, but that wasn’t his place. Piper should reassure her younger sister about their relationship. “Mikah comes from a big family,” Ronan said noncommittally. “I’m sure he enjoys time with you guys too.”

“You’re an only child?”

“Lonely only.”

Calista snickered. “You can come over some time.”

Aw, that was sweet. Ronan swallowed and didn’t answer. He wouldn’t be in Austin much longer to be able to go to her house and hang out. He’d be home in Seattle. He couldn’t clue her into that, because discretion mattered, but he wanted to be open with her. Shame he couldn’t.

They finished up with companionable chitchat, cleaned the table, and moved into the living room. He liked that she didn’t shove him away and insist she clean up after him. A high energy guy, he didn’t mind clearing, and honestly, when women did that, he always thought there was a touch of dishonesty there.

Sure, many were nurturing, and if that was her intent, grand, but when a woman babied him to snow him; the truth eventually came out. Besides, he was aiming for a full partner. Calista was not life partner material, but damn, he was enjoying this time with her, though he had no clue where tonight was going. Would she make a move? His body was more than a little alert.

Calista looked shy all the sudden as they took a seat on the couch and put their drinks down on the coffee table.

What was she thinking? Ronan braced for the proposal, the flirtation, or a request for something he couldn’t give. He knew women. He stretched out his legs. His foot bumped into hers, accidently, because his legs were long. He wasn’t flirting. “What are you thinking?”

Calista glanced back at the table. “I was wishing the dining room tabletop were thicker. We could put a dishwasher underneath. The tabletop could open up, the dishes would drop down inside for the wash cycle, then they would rise clean and dry, ready for tomorrow, no dishes to put away or carry to and from the kitchen. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?”

She had an interesting, unexpected mind. Was she just as inventive and focused in the bedroom? Dang, this gal was turning him on. Should he make a move? Touch her? He lifted his hand.

Ronan’s phone rang, and he altered course to check the screen. His old GM’s name and number populated. Fate was intervening to get his head back on business. “I need to take this.”

Calista nodded.

She’d already seen him step away once for a call. Doing so twice could make her suspicious. He could hide his secret in plain sight. Ronan stayed beside Calista and hit the video call button. He jumped in before GM Olson could say anything. “Hey, I’m here with the Snowers future owner.” Ronan turned his phone in Calista’s direction. “Meet Calista Amvehl.” He wanted no freaking secrets between him and his old boss, and Olson hearing he was consulting with the new owner would keep Washington aware he was in demand.

Calista initially waved, then she blinked, and slid right up beside Ronan on the couch, clearly recognizing Olson. “That’s Olson Urqhardt.”

He felt her soft warmth and breathed in the delicious vanilla fragrance of her lotion. In another lifetime, his lips would be on her neck at this point. His arm dropped down behind her without his permission. Her enthusiastic face was tilted toward the phone. Olson had been a superstar player back in the day, and her adoration of another man caused a tinge of jealously to jolt through him. His finger tensed to hit the red end call button so she’d concentrate only on him.

Calista looked from Ronan to the video screen. “You’re still in touch? Can’t imagine how you left Olson Urqhardt, he must have taught you so much.”

Yep, a fire sparked in his chest. He hadn’t wanted to leave. His GM hadn’t wanted him gone either, nor had his family. Now, Ronan was close to putting his career back straight.

Olson chuckled. “You flatter me. That kid there has got it all.”

“I know.” Calista nodded hard. “Ronan’s exceptional. Did you see Saturday’s game?”

She was better than his agent.