Page 20 of Perfect Love


Calista’s lawyer Olivia couldn’t make Dodo’s impromptu meeting, but Vivien said she would come, and Dahlia assured her she’d handle the presentation. So while Calista watched practice, Dahlia prepped slides. Her MBA was paying off, unlike the special project class Calista was attending.

After practice, Calista met Dahlia in the hallway so they could go in together.

Dahlia drew in a deep breath, then reached out and squeezed her hand, before opening the door and going in.

There, Calista paused. It was moves like that, that small reassurance her perfectly self-possessed cousin knew she needed, that thoughtful touch of companionship that killed Calista, and she knew she’d end up trying on the new dancers’ costumes, if her cousin asked again. Calista moved into the conference room already crowded with players. The guys had just finished practice. All had shower-damp hair, and they wore street clothes. The clash of masculine colognes was pleasant. The only ick factor was that Dodo sat at the head of the table, one leg crossed over the other in a casual pose like he owned the place.

Dahlia went to the left of the screen, so she would present while Vivien turned the slides. Vivien sat in the corner clicking on her laptop and the slides projected. Not that Dahlia couldn’t handle a computer, but should Dodo’s crew try and hack and derail, Vivien would take them down. Calista moved to stand by Vivien, which happened to be near Ronan’s chair.

Calista kept her gaze off him and sank down crisscross on the floor beside her friend. From this angle, she could see expensive tennis shoes under the table, most in motion. These high energy guys weren’t made for long meetings.

Would they blame her for this or Dodo? Hopefully Dodo.

Where she’d sat put Ronan directly in the chair in front of her. Which wasn’t why she’d picked this location, it had just worked out that way.

Ronan spun around and rose. “Take my seat.”

Aww, sweet, Calista motioned to the laptop at Vivien’s side. “I’m helping Vivien. Thanks though.” She wasn’t, but Ronan sat back down.

Vivien used an app on her computer to dim the lights, and the first slide came into focus. The simple text had the team’s name and meeting date.

Dahlia waved. “I’m Dahlia Amvehl. I’ve had the privilege of meeting everyone, and you may have met Calista previously, but I’ll take this opportunity to introduce her. Calista Amvehl is the owner of seventy percent of the Snowers.”

“That’s still to be confirmed,” Dodo said.

Dahlia gave him a tight smile. “And this is Vivien Durand, our IT expert. We don’t want to take a ton of your time, but we do have a few highlights for you guys.” The energy in the room shifted as the men went from awkward guys who wanted out to a team showing patience. Good job, Dahlia.

The hallway door opened, Willow popped into the room wearing a red mini dress. She walked through the light beam and went to Dodo’s side. Jerry, who’d been in the seat close to Dodo, hopped up and moved to stand by the wall so Willow could take his place. He had Dodo’s coloring, but in a lighter hue. He was like a pale shadow of Dodo.

Willow sank down and adjusted her short skirt without thanking him.

Dahlia’s cheeks pinkened, visible even in the low lighting. She swallowed and clicked to the second slide. Team Improvement Ideas. “I’ll jump right in. We’ve seen less use of the chauffeur app than expected, and I wanted to remind the team that this perk is half the price of any other ride service. We want to make sure you get home safely.”

Willow rolled her eyes. She leaned toward Dodo’s chair as if to speak privately to him. “And track their every move.” Her aside was audible to the entire room.

Hmm, that was how corporate rideshare GPS worked.

Cousin Dahlia took the heckling head on. “Sorry, did you have something to add, Willow? I know you’re not against our providing sober drivers?”

Willow shrugged one shoulder and then adjusted her scarlet bra strap under her neckline. No one had said she didn’t know how to be appropriate. “I’m here to look out for the men’s best interests. A counterpoint is how we improve, right?”

No matter how reasonable the statement, contrary opinions flooded Calista because Willow had been the one to pose the question.

“Your comments are more contrarian than helpful.” Dahlia straight up called Willow out.

Vivien gave Calista a side-look, as if to ask if she’d heard that. Calista shrugged and wrapped her arms around her knees.

“Dodo and I just want to understand the full picture.” Willow placed her hand on Dodo’s armrest. “Is the discounted ride a part of the purity app or not?”

The guys groaned at the word purity.

The rideshare was totally a part of the purity app, Dahlia was busted. Though what was up with the men’s rejection? What was wrong with saving themselves for a higher ideal? Calista needed a friend whose specialty was biology to explain men’s resistance to good sense. Though not all had resisted, according to Dahlia, a number of men had questions about the purity process.

Dahlia glared at Willow without responding because what could she say? Yes, the car service app was contained within the purity app portal. No marry, no cherry, no free ride via the BlackBerry.

Vivien elbowed her and projected a display of cherries dancing. The men in the room laughed.