Page 17 of Perfect Love

Dodo edged his hand toward Dahlia’s as if he wanted to pat the back of her hand. Instead, he flattened his fingers on the tabletop.

Calista did not feel sorry for him. He’d made his bed with Willow and lost Dahlia through his own poor judgement. How had Dahlia dated him? Sure, nice-looking billionaire, fit. Guess she could see the appeal to some women, but not sane ones because in the end the bride would still have to honeymoon with Dodo. They’d fight over hair gel and tooth polish then sue the hotel. What a life.

Dodo nodded. “Good meeting. Glad we all agree, we’ll continue running as is, let the courts sort out the issues. We voted those judges in, right? Let them do their jobs.”

* * *

The next morning, Calista paced the hallway in front of the men’s locker room. Her thoughts were on pipes and the articles she’d read on plumbing. The urge to go in and have a look pulled at her. The players weren’t here yet, maintenance had the keys. Why couldn’t she go in?

Duh. Any of the players could arrive for practice early and make it weird. Meet the new owner, she’s a peeping Tom. She needed an official escort. Mikah could show her around. He was going to be her brother-in-law if his relationship continued to flourish with Piper.

Calista moved into the adjacent conference room and sent Mikah a text. “I’m in the conference room, but I want to see the inadequate pipes. Can you let me in the players’ locker room when you get here?” Reasonable request, done. She fired up her laptop, projected pipe diagrams onto the big screen, and lost herself in plumbing charts.

Not an hour later, Mikah arrived—with Ronan.