“Ye realize that yer bein’ accused of attackin’ my wife?”
“I’d never attack a woman,” Joseph said as his eyes drifted to Olivia. An icy finger raced up her spine as she noticed the smug smirk on Joseph’s face. She wanted to leap from her seat and steal the blade from one of the guards and strike him down. But despite all her rage and fury, she remained collected in her seat, fighting back the urge to take matters into her own hands. She waited a bit impatiently for Conner to do to Joseph what he promised he would do.
“Ye ken the man before ye lied to me as well,” Conner said. “Dae ye ken what I did wit’ him? He’s in the stocks for three days. But ye,” Conner moved around Joseph as he glared daggers at him. The dram in Olivia’s hand creeked as her grip tightened.
“Ye come into my realm, refuse to come and ask permission to stay. Ye threaten and attack my wife, and now ye lie to me about it all?” Conner’s lips twitched as the crowd whispered around them.
“Yer head will rest on a spike outside the castle for all to see,” Conner shouted. “Get him out of my sight.”
The crowd cheered and drowned out Joseph’s pleas as Conner nudged his head for Sionn to drag Joseph away. Conner moved to Olivia’s side and pried her hand from her armchair. He drew her hand to his lips and kissed her tenderly. Olivia could do nothing but keep her eyes locked on Joseph as he struggled to get free.
“This is nae over,” she growled.
“It is a start and come tomorrow, we will see if he dares to lie to me again.”
Chapter 25
“What are ye thinkin’ about?” Conner asked as he strolled lazily next to Olivia, taking her through the garden. She shrugged and flashed him a smile before turning her attention back to the grounds.
“Ye seem a bit worried, troubled even. Ye ken there is nothin’ to fear anymore. Damon found the man who attacked ye, he’ll nae hurt ye again.”
“Ye think I’m afraid? Nay, I’m nae afraid. Wrathful, vengengeful, but nea afraid,” Olivia said with an icy glare. He pulled in a deep breath, taking her in. Although her voice was soft and distant, there was an edge to her tone that seemed to invoke pride in himA part of him wished more than anything to be able to read her thoughts. To know precisely what it was that caused her lips to turn down and be so distant from him.
“Then what is troublin’ ye. And daenae say nothin’ because I can clearly see there is somethin’ goin’ on in that pretty head of yers.”
“Ye think my head is pretty, dae ye?” Olivia teased.
“Daenae change the subject,” Conner said with a hint of a smile. “I ken yer tricks, woman.”
“Dae ye now?” she asked as she drew him to the bench near the oak tree and sat down.
“Well, maybe nae all of them, but enough to ken when yer up to nay good,” Conner answered as he took his place by her side. Scooping her hand into his, he felt his heart rumbling and vibrating in his chest.
“I cannae help but wonder what news ye’ll get from Joseph,” she said. “Ye and I both ken the man cannae be trusted.”
“I’m more concerned over the why he attacked,” Conner said as he flexed his jaw, thinking. “He mentioned workin’ for yer family, yet he attacks ye on the field?”
“Men dae strange things for greed, and for revenge. Perhaps it was to get a ransom from ye. People will dae desperate things when they feel they are trapped,” Olivia said as she sat on the bench near the oak tree. “I’m certain though that wharever he tells ye tomorrow, ye take it wit’ a grain of salt.”
“Aye,” Conner said nodding. He pursed his lips into a tight, long line as his blood pressure rose. He glanced at Olivia as the weight of guilt piled on his shoulders. “I have somethin’ to tell ye and I daenae ken how exactly ye’ll take the news.”
Olivia shifted in her seat to face him. Conner could feel the questions lingering in her gaze, burning him like a hot poker. Swallowing hard, he drew his eyes to meet hers. The instant he saw deep into her soul, the shame consumed him.
“Now who is hidin’ things?” Olivia asked.
“The man who attacked ye,” Conner mumbled as he felt the words scraping his throat as he spoke. “I’ve heard of him. Henry Dursely mentioned his name when he spoke to me in private. Henry mentioned that Joseph would have answers about my family.”
Olivia’s hand darted to her mouth and her eyes grew wide. “That certainly makes things interestin’.”
“I need answers about my family.”
“Then get them,” Olivia said. “Rip the confession right out of him. Ye cannae show our enemies mercy.”
“I have to admit, ye can be a bit intimidatin’.”
“Aye, that’s what happens when yer born a girl when yer faither wished for a boy.”
“I think he did a fine job,” Conner said, tucking his finger under her chin and smiling.