“Ye just daenae want to hear the truth,” Conner said as Olivia turned on her heels and left. The moment Olivia was on the steps, she felt her heart sink to her stomach. She knew she had every right to be angry with Conner, yet, all she could feel was hurt and pity.
Tears welled in her eyes, blurring her vision as she made her way back to her room. Setting the candles on her nightstand, she plopped down into her bed and stared up at the ceiling. Chewing her lip, she could only presume the drink affected Conner tonight. While she had hoped to find him in better spirits, it was clear, she would have to face her own demons tonight.
The light of the sun pouring in to her room was unwelcome and obtrusive. She rolled over, grabbing the pillow to block out the light. She didn’t have a clue when she fell asleep, but the moment her eyes opened, her thoughts went to Conner.
Olivia knew she couldn’t stay in her room all day. But with Conner so upset with her, she didn’t have it in her to face him again. There was only one place she could go to be free from the stress and the tension that hovered over her like a thick black cloud in the castle.
Quickly she got dressed and made her way downstairs. She skipped by the open door of the study. Although she told herself she wouldn’t look inside, she did. Conner sat in the same plush chair she had found him in last night. The moment he turned his head to look at her, she bolted down the hallway and rushed out through the kitchen door.
Racing to the stables, she yearned for an escape. Several horses popped their heads up as she entered. Her eyes darted to the end of the row to find Gale on one end and Garric on the other. Pursing her lips into a tight line, she found herself irritated at the sight of Gale and rushed to Garric.
Olivia’s eyes narrowed on Gale and found resentment bubbling in her. Turning her back on Gale, she rubbed her hand down Garric’s neck.
“How about we get out of her for a bit? I daenae ken about ye, but I could use the fresh air.”
Chapter 19
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Conner paced the length of his study. His heart sank further into the depths of his being as he replayed his conversation with Olivia again and again. A huge part of his being knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she was right about a great many things.
After all, Olivia had been living under his roof for a while now and not once did she go back to her parent’s home so there really was no way for her to know if there were new servants in the castle. Still, Henry’s words twisted like a weed, curling and wreaking havoc in his mind as he mulled over the conversation again and again. Conner could understand completely how her family may take on new servants these past months. It wasn’t uncommon for a household of their size to do so, yet, there was no denying the fact that Conner felt betrayed.
Oh, I ken somethin’ like this would come up. I daenae care what the king has ordered me to dae, I will nae allow the Websters to harbor such a man.
But then again, what if Damon and Olivia are right? What if Henry was lyin’ and knows nothin’ about anythin’? He could have been tryin’ simply to gain somethin’ for nothin’ wit’ his false accusations.
Conner toiled over his thoughts, going back and forth. With each new scenario that played out in his mind, a new jab of pain riddled his soul and his heart. He wanted more than anything to be with Olivia, to believe her and comfort her. And while he struggled to do so, he couldn’t help but feel as if he were pushing her further away from him in the process.
“Shillin’ for yer thoughts?” Damon asked as he strolled into the study and plopped down into the oversize chair Conner had occupied all night. “Ye look like a man on fire.”
“I daenae understand,” Conner said, dropping into the adjacent chair. No matter what Conner did, it felt as if the weight of the world rested on his shoulders without ceasing. Although he wanted more than anything to do the right thing by Olivia, he couldn’t shake the pain it caused him.
“Well, there’s somethin’ I daenae hear every day from ye. Daenae ye always have the answers to life’s little mysteries?” Damon teased.
“Nae now,” Conner huffed.
“A serious matter calls for a serious solution,” Damon said, propping himself up a bit in the chair so as not to slouch. “Come, tell me what is troublin’ ye.”
“Henry,” Conner answered as he drew his eyes to Damon.
“Yer still on that? I thought ye would have known by now what it is yer goin’ to dae about that.”
“Tis nae so easy,” Conner said, exhaling. “On one hand, I have Olivia and her family as well as the king’s command nae to stir up any further trouble. But what dae I dae about the Websters harbourin’ Joseph in their home? And how can I trust Olivia when she says she doesnae ken about it?”
“Well that part is easy,” Damon said. “Go to the Websters and ask. Ye could just be workin’ yerself up into a fit for nay reason at all. Besides, ye have to ken by now that nae everyone tells the truth. And Henry, well, ye saw the drunken fool. He could have spun all that to get the bottle of whiskey from ye. Or he could be tellin’ the truth.”
“My point precisely,” Conner said as his lips twitched with irritation.
“So, go to them and ask them yerself. See what they have to say and if they give up the man in question. If they dae, then ye’ll be another step closer to findin’ out what happened to yer family. Or, ye could be at another dead end. But ye’ll nae ken unless ye go and ask the hard questions.”
“Yer right,” Conner said, bobbing his head. “I should pay my in-laws a visit.”
“Then why am I sensin’ yer havin’ difficulties wit’ the task?” Damon asked as Conner’s mind shifted to Olivia. He couldn’t ignore the fact that he spoke to her harshly last night. Nor could he deny the fact that he wanted more than anything to go to her. But from the glare in her eyes as she walked by the study, he knew if he were to apologize it would have to be epic.
“It’s Olivia,” Conner said. “I yelled at her this mornin’. The lass had come down seekin’ comfort and I sent her away probably feelin’ worse than when she came to me. What kind of husband does that to his wife?”
“Dae ye really want me to answer that?” Damon asked as he arched his eyebrow. “Because I daenae think ye’ll like the answer I give ye.”
“What would ye dae to get on yer wife’s good graces again?”