Page 124 of Whiskey Lies

“How could it get worse, Cat?”

“The tell-all involves the story about our family. But she hinted that it involved a hidden baby. If that’s not yours and Grace’s, whose is it?”

The door to my office swings open and Carter comes flying in. “Motherfucker! Motherfucker, motherfucker, motherfucker.”

His face is beet-red, and his hair looks like he’s been raking his hands through it for days. “What’s wrong?”

“I’ve got a fucking kid! A fucking kid! And they’re doing a story about it, as if I’m some deadbeat dad.”

I grind my teeth. “What are you talking about?”

He throws his phone at me, and it bounces off my chest. Bending to pick it up, I see he also has a message, but it’s from a number I don’t recognize. “Who is this?”

“My friend who works at channel eight. She sent me a heads-up. They’re running a tell-all on our family tonight. Apparently, they have inside information on our family and someone we know is going to verify it all on air.”

I shake my head. None of this makes sense. “You don’t have a kid.”

“You’re damn right I don’t. Or at least I don’t know that I do. But according to my friend, they have DNA proof. I have a fucking kid and I had no idea.” He’s pacing the room, and I can barely breathe.

Cat mutters, “Okay, at least it’s not your kid.” She gives me a small smile, and I glare at her.

Chase storms in next with his hands in fists, unable to speak. What the fuck is going on with my family?

“Chase, what’s going on?”

“Is it true?” he says, walking straight up to my desk, bracing his two arms on top of it and staring me down.

I pause and try to control my reaction. “Is what true?”

“Did our father take advantage of your nanny who was underage?” His blue eyes pierce me and my heart cracks for him. We tried so hard to keep this hidden. He was never supposed to know.

Cat reaches for him to put her hand on his shoulder. “Chase, why don’t you sit down.”

He pushes her hand off without turning, his eyes remaining focused on me. “You’re the head of this family now. Answer me. Did our father rape my mother?”

My head gives one curt nod, affirming the horrible truth and breaking my brother’s heart. He storms out without another word. “Someone needs to go after him,” I say, knowing it can’t be me. I have to deal with the fallout.

Fuck. How could this have happened? No one knew about Chase’s mom. We’d hidden it for twenty-seven fucking years. Why was it coming out now?

I rake my hands over my face as Cat grabs my office phone.

“Who are you calling?”

She shakes her head. “Jay, I need your help.”

I tune her out as I try to figure out how this happened. Who could possibly have sold this information? And why was Grace part of it? None if it makes sense.

And then my mind turns to our night in bed after the club, and I remember my confession.

“Dad found a nanny to watch us, to take care of us after Mom died, and then he started screwing her. She was only seventeen.”

My heart drops as I realize that Grace is the leak. She’s the one who has torn my family apart.

“Who are you talking to?” I grit out again.

Cat hangs up the phone and stares at me for a few seconds, as if she’s trying to find a way to spin what she’s going to say.

Carter stands up and moves beside me. “What’s going on, Cat? What did you do?”