Page 78 of Whiskey Lies

“His family won’t make this easy, though. I’m just warning you.”

I bite the inside of my mouth. “So, they don’t like me?”

It’s not that I’m insecure, but I don’t exactly have a family of my own—aside from Marion and Asher—and Cash has a huge one. The idea that I’d be putting any tension on his relationship with them doesn’t sit well.

Frank shakes his head. “They don’t know you. And they can be difficult. His grandmother is very controlling, and Cat is very protective.”

I smile. “So, it’s the women I have to worry about?”

Frank chuckles. “Yeah, I’m sure Carter and Chase will love you. They love all women. Besides, Cash is the head of the family. Even though he’s not the oldest, he’s the one they all rely upon, so in the end what he says goes.”

“I can get behind people looking out for Cash. That’s a good thing.”

“Absolutely. Cash said you’ve been through a lot. Just hang in there, I promise you he’s worth it. I’ve never known a better guy.”

We pull up to the James Spirits building, and I look up at it quizzically. “I thought Cash wanted me to meet him at his new apartment?”

Frank meets my eyes in the mirror. “He did.” He turns around and hands me a keycard. “Tell the front desk you’re going to the penthouse. You’re on the list of approved people. Then in the elevator you just use this, and you’ll go straight up.”

“His apartment is the penthouse?” I look up at the towering building with trepidation. All I see are dollar signs. When I met Cash, I joked that his nickname was appropriate. Now I’m realizing it is even less of a joke and more of an insane coincidence. And not necessarily one that I’m entirely comfortable with.

Frank gets out of the car and opens my door, offering me his hand to help me out. “You’ll get used to it. I know this a lot, and Cash doesn’t carry himself like someone who is worth millions but that’s a good thing. He’ll take care of you. Just breathe and be good to him.” He winks again and stares at me—likely waiting for me to respond, or say goodbye, or walk away. But I’ve only just now met someone who can give me insight into who Cash really is. Someone who knows him.

Not wanting to seem like a total creeper though, I thank Frank and leave him by the car. Time to see where my new man lives.

When I approach the front desk, a woman is already talking to the attendant.

The woman has jet-black hair, amazing curves, and long legs, but I can’t see her face. I’m immediately jealous of her legs.

“Do you happen to know where Cash is off to? I think I left something in his office,” I overhear her saying.

He shakes his head. “Mr. James went up to the penthouse. Want me to buzz him to let him know you’re here?”

I bite my lip. Who is this woman and why is she going to see Cash?

“No, that’s okay. I’ll surprise him.”

The man looks uncertain. “He has a visitor coming.”

The woman leans closer and points at his screen. “What’s her name?”

He tilts his head at her and looks back to me. Without hesitating, I turn around and walk back to the doors, wanting to give them privacy. When I turn around, the woman is walking toward the elevator, and the man is staring at me.

“I take it you’re Ms. Kensington?” he asks me with a knowing stare.

I nod as I walk up to the desk and show the keycard. “Frank told me to show you this.”

He tilts his head toward the elevator. “That’s Catherine James, Cash’s sister. She doesn’t seem like your biggest fan, huh?”

My legs feel heavy, and my throat dries up. Why does Cash’s sister dislike me so much? “Why do you say that?”

“When she saw your name she made a face,” he replies evenly.

My breath comes out long and my shoulders fall. “This isn’t exactly how I thought tonight would go. But you aren’t the first person to warn me about how she feels.”

The man seems to take pity on me. “She’ll come around. If Mr. James wants you in his life—and clearly he does because he doesn’t give anyone a key to the office suite let alone to the penthouse—then you’ll be in his life. Don’t worry about it.”

I pinch my nose with my fingers. “Can I just stay down here until she leaves?”