Page 61 of Whiskey Lies

I feel my mood lift exponentially. “Really? She keeps telling me that I’m better off staying away until the divorce is finalized, but I don’t know if I can do that.”

He sighs and eyes me closely. “I mean she’s not wrong. But it’s not impossible if we get in front of it. Just…until we figure out a strategy, try to stay out of the public eye with her. For her sake and yours, it would be better if you kept a low profile.”

I nod. “I can do that.”

“That means no late-night club excursions with your brothers. No dating multiple women through the week…” he trails off.

I laugh. “I hear you, and I promise, that was all in reaction to thinking I couldn’t be with her. That’s not me. She’s all that matters. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”

He stands. “Well, then, it sounds like congratulations really are in order.”

My dimple pops as a smile spreads across my face. “I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but yeah, this is the real thing.”

He holds out his hand, grabbing mine and shaking. “Good for you. I’ll be in touch.”

As he walks out, I can’t help but think how smoothly that went. And how much harder it will be to sell this to my siblings. The press will be a cakewalk in comparison.

I’m dying to talk to Grace. I want to tell her my plan. Let her know that I’ve figured out a way for us to be together. That I’ve got it all figured out.

Meet me for dinner, I text her.

The dots dance on the screen and a reply comes almost instantaneously. Can’t. I’ve got plans with the girls. Tomorrow?

I growl down my aggravation. I don’t want to wait until tomorrow. I’ve been waiting almost a month to have her again. To hold her, kiss her, fuck her. But what’s one more night, right?

Cash: Fine, but tomorrow you’re mine, Gracie. Understood?

Grace: Awfully demanding, Mr. James.

I laugh. She has no idea. The Keys were nothing. After a month without her skin pressed against my body, I’m going to destroy her.

I pocket my phone and walk into the gym. Like every other Saturday, I’m meeting my brothers for a round of boxing. Lucky for them, today I’m not raging with a need to beat the shit out of someone. I’m happy.

Chase doesn’t even have to ask me if I want to go out; he tells me that he’s already booked a limo and called ahead to the club. I’m starting to wonder if he’s invested in this place for the amount of money he spends there.

“Cat is coming tonight too,” he says, scratching his chin. “She says you met a girl, one of her friends, Vanessa? She’s bringing her sisters.”

Honestly, I’d rather stay home and get some sleep so I’m ready for my night tomorrow, but I don’t like letting my brothers down. So instead, I roll my eyes, and admit defeat. “Yeah, Cat told me. I’m not interested, but by all means take your pick on whatever sister you’re interested in. They’re all available.”

He laughs, but I know he’s already planning his night. The kid would take all three sisters if he could figure out a way to get them to agree.

When I arrive at my brother’s apartment, I’m not surprised to hear the girls screeching inside. Why did he have to tell them to pregame here? We aren’t in college anymore. Who even needs to pregame? I prep myself before walking in and then open the door.

“Cash Money!!!” my sister shouts, launching herself in my direction.

Behind her I spot Vanessa who is wearing a red dress which highlights her long legs and tiny waist. If I was an interested man, I’d also be staring at her breasts which are heaving out of the top. There is something about the way the long sleeves hug her arms and the skirt rides just below her ass that makes the outfit even sexier than if it were strapless.

It’s the not seeing, combined with all the flesh, and yet it still does nothing for me.

She walks slowly toward me with a knowing smile and pops up on her toes before placing a kiss on my cheek. “It’s good to see you again, Cash.”

“I love her for you,” Cat’s words replay in my mind. Yeah, I can’t imagine why. She smells of desperation and lavender.

“I’m glad you girls could make it,” I reply, pulling her under my arm and waiting for an introduction.

Chase is already glued to one of her younger sisters while his friend chats with the other. Chase has a townhouse with an open floor plan and the music beats loudly. In the corner I see that a few of his friends have set up a card game, and I smile down at Vanessa and beg off to go hang with the guys.

After an hour of cards, where Carter scammed all of us out of a grand without blinking, we’re whisked away by limo. I had begged Frank to join us tonight for the festivities—as my friend, not as my driver—but he already had plans. It would have made the night exponentially better, but I couldn’t exactly force him to come.