
This time, instead of returning to his spot at the picnic table, Tick made his way towards the public restroom that was located in the same building as the concession stand.

Jason used this as his chance to confirm his assumption about what exactly was on that foam container. He quickly exited his cruiser and pulled the Indians cap he was wearing down on his head so that the brim was just above his sunglasses. He wasn’t sure if Tick would even recognize him anymore, but he didn’t want to take the chance in the event it was just a quick bathroom visit.

Jason walked as fast as he could while still trying to remain casual. There were still a lot of people waiting to get ice cream, food, and cold drinks so Jason knew he’d be able to blend in with them if need be.

As he approached the recycling bin where Tick had just discarded the pint in question, Jason picked up a smashed soda can that happened to be on the ground. With the can as his excuse to use the recycling bin, Jason took a quick look around before placing the can in the bin by reaching his arm all the way inside the makeshift hole that had been cut out on top of what was really just a blue garbage can and lid.

I need to buy more hand sanitizer for the car…

As he let go of the can, Jason became thankful that the can was almost full, so he didn’t look too ridiculous with his arm submerged in a recycling bin. His fingers encountered what felt like a plastic water bottle and what he hoped was a deflated balloon before they experienced the texture of a Styrofoam cup with a gooey film coating the inside of it.

After its extraction from the depths of the blue container, Jason took a quick look at the cup and saw that a phone number had been written on the side in black pen: 555-216-7854. He wasted no time getting back to his car and was thankful that Tick didn’t see him.

Jason had been a detective long enough to know that he should not get too excited about his discovery. However, he had been working so long on this case with absolutely no quality leads, that he could barely contain his joy when he placed the cup in a ziplock bag and made his way back to the station.

While Jason certainly didn’t think Tick was the Edgewater Park Killer, or EPK as dubbed by the media, he was pretty sure that he was his perhaps his only chance to find out who was.