“That’s great Stuck… I’m happy for you.”

“Alright, gotta run! Enjoy your paid vacation!”

“I’ll try…”

Cara pressed END on her phone and looked at Mallory, who was able to make out the gist of her conversation.

“Did you just get a paid vacation?” Mallory asked.


“Well, it’s official…”

“What is?”

“I’m now completely and utterly jealous of your life!”

“Oh my God… STOP!” Cara laughed as she gave Mallory a playful push.

“Do you see any creepy bald guys with cameras out there?” Mallory asked as she peeked out the glass doors.

“No, but that doesn’t mean anything. They’re like overweight ninjas.”

“Well then, let’s just go for it.”

Mallory pushed the door open and confidently began to walk outside with Cara following.

Thank God for Mallory…