“I’m worried about you, Cara. This is so much happening at once and there’s no way that you could possibly prepare for everything that is coming your way,” Joanne Knox told her only daughter as they packed up the leftover Chinese food in the kitchen. Coop was with Charlie, who fell asleep shortly after the interview was over, in the family room.

The ESPN special featuring Cooper Madison and his new mystery woman had just aired an hour earlier and the brevity of the situation was starting to scare Joanne. Seeing her daughter on TV made Joanne regret her words from the day before when she had encouraged Cara to throw caution to the wind and embrace her new relationship.

“Well, I guess it’s a good thing that it’s my decision to make, right?” Cara responded, as if she had anticipated this conversation.

“That may be true, but it’s also my job as your mother to look out for your best interests - no matter how old you are.”

“Is that what you’re doing, Mom? Because I feel like maybe there’s another motive.”

“Oh for Chrissakes, Cara, not this again…” Joanne threw her hands up and walked a few steps across the kitchen.

“Oh, yes, Mother, this again…” Cara said as she walked towards Joanne and maneuvered herself so she was face to face with her mom.

“Cara, you’re being ridiculous.”

“You just cannot stand to see me happy, can you? Just because your life didn’t go the way you’d hoped. Well, guess what? Neither did mine. We all lost the man that Dad used to be, but I will be goddamned if I live my life in fear of being hurt...”

“This isn’t about your father, Cara! This is about you!” Joanne screamed, shaking.

In the other room, Cooper Madison immediately looked over at Charlie Knox who appeared to still be sleeping in his wheelchair across the room.

Thank God he’s asleep… he didn’t need to hear that.

In the kitchen, both Cara and Joanne came to the realization that they had probably just crossed multiple lines with each other, not to mention the fact that Cooper and Charlie probably heard them yelling.

“I’m sorry, Carebear…” Joanne said as she began to cry.

“No, I’m sorry, Mom. I didn’t mean what I said.”

“Yes you did, and that’s okay Cara... Not to mention, it’s probably true to an extent...”

The two embraced as each shed tears.

“Do you think your father heard what I said?” Joanne whispered.

“I’m sure Coop did, but hopefully Dad is still asleep.”

“Just promise me one thing, Cara.”

“What’s that?”

“You’ll finish college. On time. We’ve all sacrificed a lot for this, and it would destroy your father if you didn’t.”

“I will. On time…”

The two hugged once more and decided to start assessing the amount of damage control that would be needed in the family room. Both were relieved to see Charlie still asleep in his wheelchair, but Coop was nowhere to be seen. Cara immediately felt her stomach drop.

Oh God, he ran away...

Just then Coop came through the front door.

“Sorry, y’all… I had a phone call and I didn’t want to wake Mr. Knox. Is everything alright?” Coop seized the opportunity to escape what could’ve been an awkward situation when his phone rang. Even though he had heard Joanne, he didn’t want to add to her stress by getting involved. This way, he could pretend that he was outside the whole time.

Joanne and Cara looked at each other.

“No, everything is great,” Joanne said. “We just didn’t hear you leave and were worried.”