It was amazing that she never got tired of the food; Cara thought to herself after finishing off a Stucky Club that she took home for dinner. Besides the decent tip money, the motor scooter, and flexible schedule, Stucky's Place also provided Cara with free food at every meal. Stucky knew that it was tough enough for her to pay for her tuition and board, so he let her take food home when she needed it.

"Home" these days was a small dorm room located on the 5th floor in Viking Hall, a dormitory at Cleveland State. Since she was a senior, it wasn't tough for her to get her own room. Cara never minded having a roommate, but it was nice to have a place of her own.

Growing up in Brook Park, a suburb of Cleveland, she learned to appreciate privacy. After all, 3 older brothers don't always make life easy on a little sister. Her parents, still married after 27 years, both worked at the Ford plant in Brook Park. Her father had worked his way up to foreman on one of the assembly lines, while her mother was a second shift office cleaner.

The daily routine was the same growing up. Her mother would be there in the morning to get them off to school, and her father would be there when she got home since he worked the third shift.

Money had become tight the years leading up to Cara's high school graduation. Her father was forced to take early disability retirement stemming from an accident on the job. Between his pension and her mother's wages, there was more than enough to get by, but nowhere near enough to send her to college.

Through grants, student loans, her wages at Stucky's, and the small amount her parents could provide, Cara was on pace to be the first four year college graduate in her family. Even though she would have a degree in business, she still wasn't sure what it was she would actually do with that degree.

As she turned out the light, all she knew was that she wouldn't settle for anything less than a salary position. She was going to be through with time clocks the day she graduated.