An eyewitness commented that the two seemed very cozy with one another as is evident in the pictures in the gallery below. If anyone has any information on who this new mystery woman is, contact us at [emailprotected].

Cara clicked on the picture of them kissing that accompanied the story on the front page of the website. It redirected her to a gallery of 11 more pictures of Cooper and her in various stages of their kiss and embrace. The last picture was of an angry Coop pointing toward the photographer.

Even though she had sunglasses on she knew that it was only a matter of time before somebody recognized her and submitted it to CMZ. She imagined her ex-boyfriend Kenny taking great pride in sending that email and offering to sell his story to the highest bidder.

If he does, I’ll kill him… Oh my God, I’m feeling sick...

Just then she felt Coop’s strong hand on her shoulder. She placed her hand over his and looked up behind her at the strapping southern gentleman.

You better be worth it, Cooper Madison...

“I should probably call my family and let them know what to expect… what should they expect, anyway?”

“It depends… to be honest. Once the gossip columnists find out who you are they will probably just try to call them and get some dirt. I’m not that big of a celebrity in the grand scheme of things, which is a good thing. If you were seen kissing Brad Pitt your family would have to move out of the country…”

The joke made Cara laugh, albeit nervously. She imagined reporters hiding in her parent’s shrubs.

Then it hit her.

“Oh my god, Gabby’s party… They’re not going to show up tonight at my parent’s house are they?” Cara asked as she abruptly stood up.

“I highly doubt it, but I don’t want to lie and say I know for sure…”

“I’m sorry,” Cara said as she put her head on Coop’s chest. “I hope I’m not being a pain in your ass…”

“Please, if anyone should apologize it’s me. I wish there was something I could do to help.”

After a brief pause, Cara squeezed Coop tight and asked him to do the one thing that she could think of that would make any of this easier.

“Come with me tonight… to my parent’s house.”

Cara realized that her question had completely caught Coop off guard. She could tell that he was trying to find the right response.

Why did I ask that? Who invites a guy to meet her family after 24 hours?

Before he could answer, Cara rescued him.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to ask that. It’s just when you said that you wished there was something you could do to help it was what popped into my head. I didn’t mean it… I mean I would love for you to come over, but it would probably just make things more complicated… not to mention you probably think I’m a psycho now since I asked you to meet my parents so soo-”

“Whoa...whoa...whoa…” Coop interrupted. “Slow your roll, girl… Give me a little more credit than that! I don’t think you’re a psycho and I would love to meet your family. It’s just that going out at all today was a huge step for me. I haven’t been out of the apartment with anyone else, let alone on a date of any kind, since I’ve lived in Cleveland. I just don’t know if I’m ready for tha—”

This time it was Cara’s turn to interrupt as she placed her index finger over his lips.

“Nothing...” she said.

Coop acquiesced, realizing that she was letting him off the hook without any further explanation on his part.

“Nothing…” he replied.

“Listen… I’m going to head back to my dorm. My brother Jason is going to pick me up there before the party.”

“Okay… I understand. Let me at least call down to the lobby and arrange a ride for you?”

Cara’s first instinct was to reject his offer of a ride. She could just as easily hop on the RTA bus, after all. However, she could tell that he felt bad and wanted to help.

“That would be nice of you.”

“It’s the least I can do. Hold on - I’ll call down.”