
“I think it’s adorable!”

“I just can’t have you calling me Carebear… it’s too weird…”

“Well, then I’m fixin’ to come up with a new nickname for you.”

“How about Bass Master?”

“I think Kevin Van Dam might take issue with that…”

“Is that Jean Claude’s brother?”

“Very funny… he’s like the Derek Jeter of bass fishing.”

“Oh that Kevin VanDam… of course! Everybody knows him…”

“Nice recovery…” Coop said as he smiled at Cara, who was grinning proudly in the passenger seat. The windows of the truck were partially down, allowing just enough wind into the car to gently tussle the few locks of hair that had made their way out of Cara’s ponytail.

Somehow, the rogue strands of hair made her even more attractive to Coop, especially since she didn’t seem to notice or care that her hair wasn’t perfect at all times. This was a true departure from the women Coop typically dated.

The pair stopped at a drive-thru just outside downtown Cleveland and picked up some fast food goodness. Coop was elated when Cara ordered a burger and fries, thankful that she did not balk at the idea of getting fast food.

She’s so real…

It was just after two o’clock as they pulled into the parking garage at the Westcott Hotel.

“I should probably leave the windows cracked so his truck doesn’t smell like fast food,” Coop said as he parked in the employee section of the garage.

“Whose truck did you borrow, anyway?” Cara asked.

“From the doorman—”

“Henry?” Cara interrupted, “I love Henry! He’s my favorite doorman in the city!”

The realization that Cara would obviously know the doorman since she delivered food to the hotel on a daily basis finally occurred to Coop.

“He’s a good man…” Coop said.

“I never have to worry about locking my scooter up when Henry’s out front, that’s for sure. C’mon, let’s go give him the keys back!”

Before Coop could protest, Cara snatched the keys from his hand and exited the truck. It was obvious to Coop that keeping his new lady friend a mystery around the Wescott Hotel was simply not going to happen.

Maybe I don’t want to, anyway…