Coop threw the fishing gear in the back of the pickup truck that he was able to borrow that from Henry Wilson, the football player-turned-doorman at the Westcott Hotel.

Before Cara could open the passenger door, Coop opened it for her.

“Well, thank you, kind sir…”

Coop smiled as he thought of his conversation earlier that morning.

“What do you need my truck for?” Henry asked, curious as to why the reclusive Cooper Madison suddenly wanted to experience the freedom of the open road.

“I’m just fixin’ to go fishin’…” Coop replied, coyly.



“What’s her name?” Henry asked, knowing that whenever a man has an abrupt shift in attitude that it was usually the result of a girl.

“Can’t a guy borrow a truck and go fishing up North without all the questions? Down South, nobody would think twice about lending their truck to a guy who wants to fish!”

“Well too bad we ain’t down South… here, just have her back before I get off work at three,” Henry said as he handed Coop his keys.

“Thank you kindly, Henry. I’ll be sure to fill it up with gas, too.”

Coop gave Henry a pat on the shoulder and walked away before Henry added one more thought.

“And Coop… make sure you open the door for the lady. They like that…”

“What lady?” Coop winked and walked away.

“So, what else do you have planned for me today?” Cara asked as Coop climbed into the truck.

“Late lunch?” Coop countered.

“I was hoping you’d say that… I’m starving!”

“Do you mind if we pick something up and head back to my place? I have to get the truck back soon.”

“Is this whole truck story just your way of getting me alone in your apartment again?”

“No, ma’am… but, now that you brought it up…”

“Typical guy…” Cara laughed.

“Only since I was born…”

“Well, don’t get your hopes up… I have to be at my parent’s house by five for dinner. We are having Gabby’s birthday party.”

“Sounds like fun… I bet she will be excited. What did you get her?”

“A Baby Alive doll. She’s a doll that eats food and even soils her diaper…”

“Good Lord… they’ve thought of everything...”

“I can’t wait to see her face when she opens it!”

“I’m sure she will love it, Auntie Carebear…”