Rahul Ansari noticed the young couple emerge from the Coe Lake Park Gazebo as they made their way down the path towards the waiting car. Unlike when he dropped them off almost thirty minutes earlier, this time they were holding hands.

Young love…

Rahul opened the back door to the Lincoln Town Car and as the two entered he asked where he would be taking them next.

“Viking Hall at Cleveland State, please,” Cara replied.

“Of course. I believe I also know where that is,” Rahul responded before closing the door and making his way back to the driver’s seat.

“So what time are you picking me up to go fishing?” Cara asked Coop, his right hand intertwined with her left.

“Typically, I like to have my first line in by sunrise…” Coop deadpanned.

“Sunrise?” Cara said incredulously.

“The way I see it,” Coop continued, “You got at least 4 hours to sleep before I pick you up…”

“Well, I like you, but not that much…” Cara called his bluff.

Coop laughed and raised his hands in surrender.

“How does 9:00 sound?” Coop asked.

“Sounds a hell of a lot better than 5:00!” Cara laughed.

“Then it’s a date,” Coop said.

“No, it’s a second date,” Cara corrected him.

Coop stared into Cara’s eyes and smiled.

“Nothing…” Coop said.

“Nothing…” Cara agreed as she laid her head on his chest for the remainder of the car ride back to Viking Hall.

Once there, Coop walked her to the door and gave her a gentle kiss accompanied by a firm and lingering hug.

“See you before ya know it,” Coop reminded Cara.

“Can’t wait!” Cara said as she closed the door behind her.

Rahul held the rear door of the Town Car open for Coop as he made his way back from the entrance to Viking Hall.

“We have one more stop, Rahul,” Coop informed the driver.

“Of course, sir. Where shall I take you?” Rahul asked.

“There’s a 24-hour storage facility not far from my place,” Coop replied. “I have to grab my fishing gear before you take me back to the Westcott.”

“Absolutely, sir,” Rahul confirmed. “Shall I arrange for another car to pick you up tomorrow, as well?”

“Actually, I think I’m going to rent a car myself and drive. It’s been too long,” Coop answered.

“It is a freedom that we often take for granted, I suppose,” Rahul stated as the Town Car pulled away. “I find that the longer I have lived in America the more I seem to take for granted the simple freedoms that I once longed for in India. My children even more so…”

“That seems to be what we do best in our country, sometimes…” Coop agreed.