Coe Lake Park was a short drive from Berea High School and had gone under major renovations over the past decade, which included a beautiful gazebo and a geyser-like fountain. It was also a local favorite for fishing, kayaking, and walking.

For brave local teens, it was also considered a rite of passage to go cliff diving off of one of the bluffs that overlook the lake.

Rahul pulled the Lincoln Town Car up to the sidewalk that led to the large wooden gazebo, which was painted white and an ode to colonial America. The gazebo was the first phase of a project that would later include a boardwalk pier and an amphitheater.

“We are going to get out for a bit,” Cara informed Rahul.

“Absolutely. I will be right here waiting for you to return. Please, take your time,” Rahul replied.

“I can see why you like to come here,” Coop stated as the two walked along the sidewalk that leads to the gazebo.

“It’s too dark to really do it justice… you should see it at sunset,” Cara answered.

“I bet there’s some big ol’ catfish under this thing,” Coop announced as he walked onto the gazebo, which had a platform that extended over the lake.

“Biggest one I ever caught was at this lake,” Cara said.

“Wait just one second… you fish, girl?” Cooper asked, stopping dead in his tracks for effect.

“Since I was old enough to bait my own hook,” Cara proudly replied, “My dad used to take me fishing in the Metroparks all the time growing up. The funny thing is, none of my brothers liked going with him, but I loved every minute of it. I miss it, I haven’t been in years...”

“Well, that’s something we are going to have to remedy right quick, Miss Cara Knox!” Coop exclaimed, obviously excited to hear about this latest development.

“I’d like that,” Cara replied.

“Me too,” Coop agreed.

“Sometimes in the summer they have bands and orchestras who put on free concerts at this gazebo,” Cara informed. “I’ve even seen some weddings here.”

“It reminds me of where I grew up,” Coop answered. “We have one just like it in War Memorial Park. It overlooks the Gulf and every year at Christmas the town would put on a big celebration there. Now, it’s just another thing that needs to be rebuilt...”

“I’m so sorry…” Cara said as she took a step closer to Coop, who had made his way to the center of the gazebo. “I wish I could-”

“Nothing…” Coop cut her off, invoking their newfound password from earlier in the evening.

“Nothing…” Cara replied.

Coop took a step closer to Cara, who was now directly in front of his hulking frame. Her hair had been blown around in the breeze and was now covering her right eye.

With a gentle touch of his large left hand, Coop brushed her hair to the side completely revealing a face that looked full of both anticipation and nerves.

Instead of going in for a kiss, Coop pulled her in close and whispered in her ear, “You still smell good…”

“So do you…” Cara answered, feeling her heart start to race. The tension that had been building up between the two all night was at an all-time high.

Cara felt the left side of Coop’s stubbly cheek against the side of her face and she wondered how something so rough could feel so perfect.

I can’t believe this is happening...

At the same time, Coop wondered how the months and months of voluntarily being alone seemed like the biggest mistake of his life knowing that this girl was out there.

Thank God I slipped today...

Coop slowly moved the left side of his cheek away from hers, but close enough that it grazed the tip of her nose, soon after followed by his.

His eyes were closed as Cara’s locked in on them, anticipating the steely gaze that she had first noticed while searching his name on the internet. When he finally did slowly open his eyes Cara could feel her heart through her chest.