Simon Craig’s phone sprang to life at his concierge desk approximately 10 minutes before he was scheduled to clock out for the evening.

The concierge service at the Westcott Hotel ran in two shifts, and Simon worked the second shift from 3-11 Monday through Saturday because that’s where the action was. The first shift, which ran 7am-3pm, was too boring as it was basically playing secretary for the business guests.

“Yes, Mr. Madison… No sir, it’s not too late, sir… I will handle everything,” Simon said as he hung up the phone.

Well, that’s a first. Cooper Madison ordering a late night car service? Especially ordering it with no firm destination… Cara, girl, what did you do to that boy…

Simon called Burning River Livery, a local Town Car and limousine company whose moniker referred to the fact that the Cuyahoga River had once famously caught fire.

Typically, when Simon called Burning River late in the evening it was to discreetly shuttle his business class guests to and from a local gentlemen’s club in style. Therefore, when he called on this particular evening he had to explain that he was in need of their best available driver for an unspecified amount of time and no specific destination. Also, the driver would need to be someone who could be trusted to be discreet. In exchange, the driver would be paid handsomely, as money was not an object for this client.

Burning River Livery said that would not be a problem and that they would have a Lincoln Town Car there in 15 minutes.

Even though it would mean that he had to stay late, Simon had a rule that he would never leave work until he was certain that all of his obligations were fulfilled.

When he was a college intern, Simon once saw a concierge book a limousine for a guest prior to clocking out and leaving for the day. The limousine never showed up, and subsequently there was no concierge on staff to help the very angry guest. Needless to say, that concierge was not back the next day, or any day after that. Simon decided to use that as a reminder to always finish the job, regardless of how long it required.

Besides… I need to know what is going on…