Simon Craig reassured the voice on the other end of the phone that he would personally see to it that the caller’s guest would be warmly greeted upon her arrival.

“Yes, Mr. Madison. Of course, sir. Is there anything else I can assist you with? Very well, sir. Please do not hesitate to let me know otherwise, Mr. Madison.”

As Simon hung up the phone, he took a deep breath and replayed the past few hours in his head. Sure, Cooper Madison had asked him to get some groceries before, and occasionally other small requests, but nothing like this.

Most guests at the Westcott had Simon perform such tasks on a daily basis. Having a full-time concierge was one of the perks of staying at the Westcott, after all, and Simon loved his job. He was a fixer by nature, and he took great satisfaction in solving problems for the wealthy residents of the Westcott Hotel.

Simon was entering his mid-20’s and had graduated with a degree in Hospitality Management from Bowling Green State University prior to working at the Westcott. While most little boys his age dreamed of becoming professional athletes, firemen, or astronauts, young Simon Craig used to dream of being Alfred - butler to Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman.

It was very rare that Cooper Madison asked him for anything, let alone something urgent.

I wonder who the girl is? Probably a pageant winner. At the very least a local news girl.

When the evening doorman held the door open for Cara Knox to enter the Westcott Hotel, Simon did a double take. Then it hit him.

Oh. My. God… Cara??

“Hello, Simon…” Cara said as she approached the usually unflappable concierge, who was anything but in this moment.

Simon quickly composed himself, and responded as professionally as possible, “Miss Knox, how are you this evening? Mr. Madison is expecting you.”

“Please… you don’t have to talk to me like that. It’s creeping me out,” Cara jokingly admonished.

Simon grinned, and as he led Cara towards the elevator, he whispered, “You must have made quite an impression on a delivery…”

“Very funny, Simon,” Cara responded.

“Well, you are a lucky girl. He is gorgeous… and that accent? Kill me now!” Simon chided.

“Wait… you’re not straight, Simon?” Cara deadpanned.

“Oh, now look who has the jokes!” Simon replied, feigning sincerity.

“I kid… I kid…” Cara continued, “You know you’re my favorite concierge in Cleveland.”

“And you know that you’re my favorite delivery driver, with the exception of Alonzo from UPS.”

Simon’s tone then changed to serious, “Seriously, though, Cara. Cooper Madison has never had a girl up here, let alone anyone for that matter. Trust me, I would know. You must have made some kind of impression on him.”

The gate to the elevator opened and interrupted Simon, and in essence, brought him back to the reality of his job.

“Thomas, please see to it that Miss Knox makes it to the 11th floor. Mr. Madison is expecting her,” Simon said to the evening elevator operator, Thomas, quickly switching back to his best professional speaking voice.

“Of course, step on in Miss Knox,” Thomas responded, as Cara entered the elevator.

Simon gave Cara a wink as the gate to the elevator closed, straightened his tie, and returned to his concierge desk while replaying the exchange that he had not seen coming.