Cara had just finished watching the press conference video when her alarm went off again. She turned it off but decided she had to know more about Cooper Madison before she took a shower and got ready for the day.

On the suggested videos list, there was one entitled, "Cooper Madison Cleans Up Nicely". She clicked the play button, and it was from a local news affiliate near Pass Christian, Mississippi.

In the video, Cooper Madison is shown working alongside other volunteers, helping rebuild their hometown. While Cooper himself declined to comment, other people certainly spoke for him. Everyone said he was just a regular guy who lost a loved one like so many others, and they all commended him for walking away from millions to be back home. They spoke of his donations to the safety forces, food pantries, and schools in the area. Over a million dollars, some guessed.

The next video that caught Cara's attention was one entitled, "Madison Flies the Coop?". Despite the corny title, Cara clicked play. In this video, there were some outtakes of Cooper Madison from the first video she watched, showing him cleaning up flood debris and handing out water. However, those were followed up by townspeople saying that they had no idea where he went after spending the past two months there. One day he was just gone. Most of those interviewed said that they didn't blame him for leaving. He was just trying to help his hometown, but people wouldn't leave him alone - especially reporters and paparazzi photographers.

Cara looked at her clock, she only had 15 minutes to get ready and get to class. She logged off her computer and began her day as she had two AM classes, followed by a shift at Stucky's.