Gasps, questions, and whispers immediately filled the press conference room. Cooper Madison had just dropped his retirement bombshell and walked away from the podium, and apparently, the game.

He was only 27 years old and entering the prime of what was almost certainly going to be a Hall of Fame career.

The only people that knew he had decided to retire were Cooper, Skip, Louis Isaacs, and the Cubs management. They worked out a deal forfeiting the remainder of his contract, with the only stipulation being that if he chose to return to baseball that the Cubs would have his rights. They tried to talk him out of it, even offering to let him take an extended leave of absence, but Coop was adamant that he had made his mind up.

Even though he was forfeiting about $38 million, Coop was set for life in regards to money. He had always been careful with his money and knew he was in a position to direct his focus on where his heart was long before he ever threw a pitch in the majors.

As he walked out of the press room, Coop saw Skip Parsons waiting for him, along with the entire Cubs team. He gave Skip a tearful hug and continued down the line with each of his teammates. There was a car waiting for him right outside the stadium, and it whisked him away before the reporters desperate for answers could get to him.

Behind the wheel of the black SUV was Cubs clubhouse attendant Louis Isaacs, per Coop's request.

"Well, you certainly know how to make an exit, Coop…" Louis deadpanned as Cooper entered the SUV, "It's all over the radio already."

Coop chuckled, "Well, Mr. Isaacs, at least I'm good for something these days…"

"I have your luggage in the back, and the rest will be sent down via truck, courtesy of the team," Louis said as they pulled out onto Waveland Avenue.

"I appreciate that Louis, and for helping me get all the stuff at my condo packed up."

"Well, I wish I didn't have to do it in the first place, but I am honored you chose me to help," Louis answered, knowing not to say too much at a time like this.

"Well, it's important to me to only be surrounded by people I can trust right now, Louis, and you are at the top of that list. Always have been…"

"That's just about the nicest compliment I could ever receive, Coop…" Louis answered, his voice and eyes starting to show emotion for the first time since Cooper Madison came to him last week for help.

"Well, it's the truth… now don't start crying on me or I might take the keys back…"

"Take what keys back? This is my SUV!" Louis laughed.

"Not those keys… these keys," Coop said as he handed Louis the keys to his condo, "You should know the layout of the place pretty well by now after helping me pack, right? It's yours now. I paid it off, and the Cubs are going to give you a couple days off to move your stuff in. I want you and your family to live there, Louis. You're going to need the space as those three little ones grow up…"

"Coop… I… I can't accept that. It's…" Louis protested.

"Nonsense… you already did, well sorta… I knew you'd say no, so I put it in your kids’ names, with you and your wife as the custodians. I know you want to send them to good schools, but also be close to the stadium for work, and this is the best solution for all of you. You've been a great friend ever since I joined the club, and I appreciate how you always treated me like a normal guy... even if your jokes sucked…" replied Coop.

"I don't know what to say, Coop…" Louis managed to respond.

"You don't need to say anything, Louis," Coop continued, "Just make sure that those three kids have the best possible life that they can… oh, and, let your wife decorate the place any way she wants. That's all I ask."

"How can I ever repay you?" Louis asked.

"You already have. You're one of the best fathers I know," Coop responded.

The SUV pulled onto I-90 westbound, towards Chicago O'Hare International Airport.

Cooper Madison had a private jet to catch and it was headed for Gulfport, Mississippi.