Page 133 of Before We Ever Spoke


“How’s the newest member of the Cleveland Indians doing?” Todd “T-Squared” Taylor asked his most coveted client. It was just after midnight and Cooper Madison had cleared waivers in a deal that would send him to the Indians.

“I’m assuming this means it went through?” Coop replied. He and Cara decided to stay up until at least midnight so that they’d know for sure if the deal went through.

“Yessir it sure did, and the Indians front office really is looking forward to meeting with you tomorrow.”

“Don’t you mean today? It’s past midnight.”

“Not where I’m at. Vegas baby!”

“Gambling away all the money I’ve made you?”

“T-Squared only wins, baby!”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”

“Speaking of clocks, can you be down at the Jake at noon? I’ll be catching a redeye here in a couple hours and will meet you there.”

“Yeah, I’ll be there. I just hope that you made it clear that there’s no guarantee that I will ever pitch for them.”

“They know that, but we need to hear them out.”

“Good deal, be safe and come back before you’re broke.”

“T-Squared only WINS, BABY!”

Coop could hear his agent yelling what apparently was his new motto as he hung up the phone.

“So… are you an Indian?” asked Cara, who was sitting with her legs lying across his on the couch.


“So… what’s next?”

“I have to meet with them at noon at Jacob’s Field. I’ll have to take a physical and sign some paperwork to make it official.”

“Do you think they’ll try and talk you into playing this season?”

“Oh, I’m sure as the moon.”

“What are you thinking?”

“I dunno…”

“Well, you will. You’ll know after a few minutes of meeting them if you’ll ever want to play for them.”

“A few minutes, huh?” Coop asked.

“Yup…” Cara replied.

“How’s that?”

“It’s science…”

