Page 130 of Before We Ever Spoke

He wasted no time walking across the street and knocking on her motel room door. A very startled Stoya answered, obviously not as happy to see the man who stood before her.

“Ernie? What you do here?” she asked in broken English.

“Stoya, I missed you so much. I never thought I’d see you again… I… I work right across the street,” Ernie answered, gesturing towards Rides 4 Less.

“Okay, but why you here?”

“I dunno, I suppose I just couldn’t help myself. I saw you across the street and I missed you so much. I haven’t even seen another girl. I promise! I only want you. Is this where you’re working out of now?” Ernie said, oblivious to Stoya’s body language, which was a mixture of fear and repulse.

“Ernie, I had surgery. I not working until next week. I see you then, okay?”

“No way, I need to see you now. We don’t even have to have sex. I just need to see you. Oh man, I sound pathetic…”

Ernie, realizing he sounded pathetic, changed his tone immediately from that of a beggar to the way he spoke to her at the brothel. Maybe that’s what she was waiting for, he thought.

“I don’t think you understand, young lady, this isn’t a choice. Now let me in,” Ernie demanded of Stoya, just like he would have countless times before. Only this time, Stoya wasn’t playing along.

“Ernie, you must go. Now. We are not at other motel. I need time. I will see you soon. I promise. Just go now,” Stoya answered.

Her reluctance caused a fire to flash within Ernie’s eyes that she had never seen before, not even when role-playing. This was a look of betrayal… and hatred.

“Get the hell inside,” Ernie grunted as he pushed his way into her motel room before locking the door behind him.

“Ernie! Stop!” Stoya screamed as loud as she could, hoping someone would hear her. The volume of her voice only angered Ernie more, and he displayed that anger in the form of a backhand to her face as she struggled to get up. This caused her to tumble back to the floor, blood beginning to pool up in her mouth.

Ernie climbed on top of the trembling girl who laid before him. The girl that he loved. The girl that he had been waiting his whole life for. The girl that he had just realized moments before was a fraud.

Just like his mother, she had abandoned him.

Unlike his mother, Stoya had to pay for her betrayal.

He watched as the fear in her eyes vanished, replaced by a cold distant stare as he choked the life out of the one girl he thought would always be there for him.