Page 126 of Before We Ever Spoke

“Oh, I would totally go… they have great hot dogs at the Jake,” Cara replied, referencing the Indians home ballpark.


“I guess it depends on whether or not I’d have to pay for my ticket…”

“I might be able to work something out…”

“Are you seriously considering playing again? Isn’t the season almost over?”

“I don’t know what I’m doing, to be honest. But, from what I understand, the Indians want to give me a chance to return at my own pace. Whether that’s this year or next, I don’t know. I’m not even sure I want to…”

“Well, I’ll support you either way… especially if I don’t have to pay for a ticket,” Cara laughed.

“Wives and girlfriends never have to pay, they even have their own section at each ballpark.”

Coop’s words came out of his mouth so naturally that he didn’t quite understand the surprised look on Cara’s face when he said them.

“What?” Coop asked.

“Oh, it’s just you said ‘girlfriend’ and that kinda caught me off guard…”

“Oh… yeah, I suppose I did, didn’t I?”

“Sure did…”

“I didn’t even think twice about it… I suppose it just felt right. I guess I just already think of you that way… which is totally weird for me because that’s definitely not my M.O.”

“Mine either, but nothing so far about our relationship has been normal, I guess. I mean, we escaped gunshots today. If that doesn’t scream girlfriend material then I don’t know what does,” Cara chuckled.

Coop got down off the couch and mockingly went to his knee as if proposing.

“Cara Knox… will you do me the great honor of letting me refer to you as my girlfriend?”

Cara played along, feigning surprise and holding back fake tears.

“Oh my god! I can’t believe this is happening! Yes! Yes! Yes!”

“Oh, thank you, Baby Jesus… I was so nervous!” Coop replied, maintaining the act.

“How do you do that?” Cara asked, dropping the act.

“Do what?”

“Make me drop my guard so quickly, especially when I’m about to make a situation awkward?”

“I dunno, I think I get that from my momma. She was really good at that sorta thing.”

“She sounds like she was a great woman, I wish I could’ve met her.”

“Me too, and she was…”

“Well, she raised a great son…”

“Weird, I didn’t know I had a brother out there!”

“Oh my god! See! That’s what I’m talking about. It’s like a Jedi mind trick or something!”

“Wait til you see what I do to you next,” Coop said as he leaned in to kiss Cara.

“Can’t wait…”