Page 123 of Before We Ever Spoke


“I don’t know where he is, he never came home after work today. Is something wrong?” asked a very startled Ellie Page to the two detectives who had shown up at her door just before dusk to ask if her husband was home.

“When was the last time you spoke to him?” Detective Jason Knox asked.

Alongside him was Commander Mick McCarthy. Uniformed backup and SWAT were on standby around the corner waiting for orders. A quick surveillance of the house earlier indicated that Ellie was likely the only person home.

Another set of detectives and SWAT unit were currently going through Ernie Page’s office at Rides 4 Less. Ernie was nowhere to be seen, but his brother and boss, Raymond Page, had been detained for questioning back at the precinct.

Apparently, Ray showed up to Rides 4 Less at around five in the afternoon to get a bank drop envelope from Ernie, but Ernie was not there. The dealership had been locked up and the phones were all off their hooks. Shortly after he made that discovery, Ray had a front row seat to what it’s like to have a SWAT team storm his place of business.

Back at Ernie’s residence, Ellie was not proving to be much of a help. Jason felt as though she was being authentic, but also blissfully unaware of the monster that shared the same roof with her.

“I haven’t spoken to Ernie since this morning when he left for work. He seemed nervous, but wouldn’t tell me why,” Ellie responded.

If you only knew…

“Is there anywhere that you think Ernie might be? Do you have any other residences like a cabin or vacation home?” Mick asked.

“No… why are you asking me all of this? Is Ernie missing?”

“Yes, he is, Mrs. Page. However, he’s missing because he wants to be. We’re afraid that he may be a harm to himself and possibly others if we don’t find him soon,” Jason answered.

“Harm? Ernie? No, no, no… you must be mistaken. Ernie wouldn’t ever hurt anyone. He doesn’t even own a gun or hunt.”

“Please, Mrs. Page, we need your help. If Ernie was trying to hide somewhere safe, where would he go?” Mick asked.

“The only places Ernie ever goes are work, home, and the Corner Pocket. He’s a homebody.”

“The pool hall?” Mick questioned, in reference to the billiards hall on Cleveland’s west side.

“Every single night after work...”

“Ok, Mrs. Page. Thanks for your help. We need to inform you that we have a warrant to search your house, and we are going to have a few officers stay with you in your home for a while, maybe longer,” Jason informed.

“A warrant? I… I don’t understand. What do you think Ernie did?”

“That’s what we’re trying to figure out, ma’am,” Mick reassured.

“If Ernie, or anyone else for that matter, tries to contact you over the phone the officers will be there with you listening and recording the calls. If you alert Ernie, in any way, that we are looking for him you will be immediately placed under arrest for obstruction. Do you understand, Mrs. Page?” Jason asked.

“Yes…” Ellie Page nodded solemnly.

“We know that this is difficult for you, ma’am, but the best way to help Ernie is to help us find him,” Mick said, doing his best to reassure Mrs. Page.