Page 120 of Before We Ever Spoke


“So much for me planning a special day,” Cara said as they sat at Coop’s kitchen table. They each had a beer in front of them, hoping to calm their nerves down from the day’s prior events.

“Yeah, I wish you would’ve told me that I needed my bulletproof vest… I would’ve worn it,” Coop replied, jokingly.

“Very funny…”

“Gotta laugh or we’d cry, right?”

“Thank God Lucy’s parents are okay…”

“Clarence just texted me that he is with them now. They’re shook up but will be okay. He’s going over what we talked about on the way back,” Coop said, referencing Clarence’s plan to make sure that Brenda and Nelson Eckert did not talk to anyone, including police, about Coop and Cara being in their business at the time of the shooting. If the police gave them a hard time, Clarence said that he would handle it for them.

“Can I talk to Lucy about this? I have to, I could never keep this from her,” Cara had asked Clarence.

“As long as you can trust that she won’t talk to anyone else about it,” Clarence answered.

“What about my brother? I wonder if he was there?” Cara asked as that possibility hit her.

“Let me talk to Jason, first,” Clarence said. He was pretty certain that he’d seen Jason’s unmarked cruiser as he sped away from the scene.

Cara took a sip of her beer and sighed.

“I feel like I’m living in an alternative reality right now… and to think I used to feel that my life was too boring,” she laughed.

“I’m sorry,” Coop replied.


“Because all this crap has happened since you met me. Paparazzi, CMZ, bodyguards, and now shootouts. I’m the common denominator in your recent struggles.”

“Don’t do that to yourself…”

“It’s the truth, Cara… If something would’ve happened to you today, it would’ve been because I came into your life.”

“First of all, I could get shot waiting for the RTA bus. Secondly, I made the plans for the day, remember? Thirdly, I don’t think either one of us can take credit for the fate that brought us together.”

“It was fate, wasn’t it?” Coop said as he reached across the kitchen table and put his hand on hers.

“I can’t think of any other reason,” Cara replied as she gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

“I hope you think I’m worth it… the headaches and the chaos…”

“You already were… that first night at Coe Lake… when we said…”

“Nothing…” Coop finished her sentence.

“Nothing…” Cara replied.