Page 115 of Before We Ever Spoke

Save for two other cars, the parking lot was empty. As the Escalade approached the entrance to the building, Coop could see that the “Hours of Operation” sign indicated that Amazing Adventure Park wasn’t supposed to open until later that afternoon.

“I love go-karts and laser tag, Cara, but unfortunately it looks like it’s closed,” Coop informed.

“Well, it is closed, to everyone except us…” Cara replied coyly.

“Come again?” Coop asked, puzzled.

“Lucy’s parents own this place, and I asked them if they’d let us come in and have some fun before they opened.”

“The hippies own a go-kart place?” Coop asked.

“Former hippies, they crossed over to the ‘Dark Side’ when they had kids,” Cara replied.

“That’ll do it, I suppose. It’s a shame they’re going out of business, though,” Coop said as he gestured toward the sign.

“They’re actually making a killing on the sale of the land to a big manufacturer, so don’t feel too bad for them. They had a nice run of over two decades. We had lots of great times here as teenagers. It was the place to be on the weekends and in the summer,” Cara said, a hint of nostalgia in her voice.

“Hippies turned opportunistic capitalists!” Coop laughed.

“Come on, let’s go inside. You’ll get to meet Brenda and Nelson,” Cara said, referencing Lucy’s parents.

“I must admit, those are not the names I was expecting. I was thinking something like Willow and Leif,” Coop laughed as he followed Cara into the building while Clarence remained just outside the entrance in his SUV.