Page 105 of Before We Ever Spoke

“He told me that he loved me, but never had any intentions of ever being in a committed relationship. Not with me or anyone else. He told me that the love we had for each other wasn’t meant to burn forever, but rather burn bright and hot before going out…”

“Whoa…” Cara said, unsure if she hated Alejandro, or if she was truly impressed by his break-up skills.

“Writers, right? He even made dumping me sound poetic. I wonder how many other American girls have heard that line from him…”

“I’m not going to lie, Lucy, I’m terrified of being hurt like that, too,” Cara replied.

“Why? ‘Baseball Guy’ seems pretty amazing so far.”

“He is, I just know that all fairy tales tend to come to an end, and I feel like I’m living in one right now.”

“You know what?” Lucy asked.


“So what if it doesn’t work out, Cara?”

“Well, for one I’d be heartbroken…”

“Well, as someone whose heart is currently on the mend I can tell you that I would do it all over again with Alejandro. All of it...”

“You would?”

“Absolutely, Cara. I never, EVER, imagined that I’d ever fall in love with a man so quickly and with so much passion. I truly feel we’re lucky if we get to fall in love like that just one time in our lives. The truly blessed get a second chance. Maybe Baseball Guy is your one time? And I know that if I ever find myself in that situation again, I’m not going to dwell onesecond on whether or not it will end because that’ll take away from the beauty of the moment…”

“Well, when you put it that way… why can’t I be so good at using words like you are?” Cara asked, smiling.

“Because, then you wouldn’t be you, and that would be awful. Because you’re the best,” Lucy replied, her usual cheerful expression seemingly restored to its natural state.

Just then, the waiter came over and placed their dessert in front of them.

“The ‘6 a.m. Special’, ladies, featuring a brioche French toast with maple-bacon ice cream and caramelized apples. Enjoy!”

“Well, I’m glad Baseball Guy is picking up the tab for this wonderful meal because my gift card probably wouldn’t have covered much past the salads,” Lucy declared with a laugh.

“Stop calling him Baseball Guy, you dork,” Cara jokingly admonished.

“Okay, okay… Oh my god, this is delicious,” Lucy said after she took a bite of the bountiful dessert.

“I was just going to say the same thing!”

“So, is your bodyguard chica going to take us to the dance club?” Lucy asked.

“That’s the plan.”

“Good because I don’t have money for a cab. Spain was expensive,” Lucy chuckled.

“I can’t wait to go dancing. I haven’t had a good ‘girls night out’ in since you left,” Cara said with a sigh.

“Well then, please phone our car,” Lucy said with an aristocratic tone.