Page 102 of Before We Ever Spoke


Grace Brooks stood next to the black GMC Yukon that her boss, Clarence Walters, gave her when she started working for him earlier that year. This new assignment, protecting the new girlfriend of an athlete, was her first full-time gig and she was thrilled.

All of the assignments that CW Security Solutions, or the “C-Dub” as she liked to call it, had given her since she joined were temporary gigs. One or two nights protecting a wealthy and/or famous client who happened to be visiting Cleveland on business were the standard shifts.

This new and indefinite assignment was a true Monday through Friday second-shift job, which is certainly not the norm for the private security business.

But, I’m not complaining…

She was still a little sore from her workout that morning at the Mixed Martial Arts—or MMA—center she trained at. Her 28-year-old body, which resembled that of an Olympic swimmer, felt twice its age on this late afternoon.

Despite her appearance, she could barely swim. Instead, her tall, triangular figure was the result of intense training and years of running long distance races. During her time at the police academy, she found herself really enjoying the hand-to-hand combat portion of her education.

After watching an Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Pay-Per-View, she contacted a local gym and felt as if she had finally found her place in the world.

Grace Brooks had always felt like she never truly fit-in. She was biracial; the result of an African-American military father and Korean mother, and her father’s career meant that she had to move often. The two years that she lived in South Korea as a teenager were the hardest.

In South Korea, where the words “skin color” and “peach” are synonymous, being biracial is often looked at as an affliction. She didn’t feel accepted by the other American kids on the base, and wandering off the base often held the strong possibility of being treated rudely by the natives.

Thankfully for her, Grace’s family moved back to the States prior to her last year of high school. While she hated the weather during that first winter, she loved the cultural diversity of her new high school in Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland is also where she found her love of running and joined the cross country and track teams her senior year.

Upon graduating from high school she opted for community college and obtained an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice before joining the police academy. It was there that she found her love for MMA, and also fell in love with being a cop.

Her first assignment was in the 1st District and that’s where she met her mentor, and future boss, Clarence Walters. Later on, she would also meet a new detective, Jason Knox, as well. Now, she was working for both of them.

Who would’ve thought…?

Cara Knox walked out the front door of the Westcott with Cooper Madison towards Grace and her SUV.

“Hello, Miz Brooks. I’m Cuppah Madison, and this is Miss Cara Knox,” he said as he shook her hand.

“Hello,” Grace said as she shook each of their hands. “I look forward to working with you.”

“Well, I’m fixin’ to head back upstairs. Y’all be safe and have a good time,” Coop said as he gave Cara a kiss on the cheek before walking away.

Grace opened the rear passenger door for Cara and then followed the same procedure that Clarence had given earlier in the day before leaving.

Before pulling away, she pressed the small button on her earpiece and said, “Alpha, this is Charlie. Do you copy?”

After a brief pause, she continued.

Over…Affirmative...we are on our way to Lola...Affirmative...Over...”

“So, when did you start working for Clarence?” Cara asked, hoping to strike up casual conversation.

“About six months now, ma’am,” Grace answered.

Cara felt weird to be called “ma’am”, especially by someone older than her.

“Please, call me Cara… I keep saying to people that this whole situation has been weird enough,” Cara chuckled.

Grace Brooks looked back at Cara in the rearview mirror and smiled. She felt a little sorry for the young lady in her back seat.

“Will do, Cara.”

“So I hear you’re a fighter?”

“Well, I am training to be one. Mixed Martial Arts. Have you ever seen a UFC fight?”