“Darn…” Coop answered.

“Come again?” Cara asked, puzzled.

“That’s totally what I was going to do. Damn you, Kenny!”

Cara laughed and gave Coop a playful shove.

“You’re such a douche!”

“That I am, but I would prefer if you called me KOD from now on.”

“KOD?” Cara asked.

“King of the Douches…” Coop deadpanned.

“Was that what your teammates called you in Chicago?”

“Only because I made them…”


The next morning Cara was greeted in the lobby of the Westcott Hotel by Simon Craig and a rather large but fit African-American gentleman with a completely shaved head and dressed in a black suit with a black mock turtleneck under the blazer.

“Cara, darling, I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Clarence Walters. He will be driving you to your classes today per Mr. Madison’s request,” Simon said in the most professional way, which was a side of him that Cara still wasn’t used to witnessing.

“Miss Knox, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve known your brother Jason ever since he joined the force. I consider him one of my best friends, and a damn good detective,” Clarence said as he extended his brawny hand to greet her with a firm handshake.

Clarence stood just under six feet tall, but he was built like one of the guys who compete in “strong man” competitions. His enormous arm and shoulder muscles were visible through his perfectly tailored suit, and his neck was quite possibly the biggest Cara had ever seen on a man. He wore what appeared to be an expensive gold watch on his left wrist and also had a wedding band on his left ring finger. In addition, he had an earpiece in his left ear like a secret service agent might wear. His perfectly manicured fingernails, clean-shaven head and face, tailored suit, and shined shoes projected the image that he was a meticulous human being who took pride in his appearance.

“Hello, Mr. Walters. It’s very nice to meet you, too.” Cara responded.

“Please, call me Clarence. Also, I want you to know that I am not here to be a hindrance to your daily life in any way. Aside from driving you wherever it is that you need to go, I will be out of your way, unless you need me. Here’s my contact information. Please put my phone number in your phone so that you can reach me at any time,” Clarence said as he handed Cara a black and red business card.

The business card listed the company as “CW Security Solutions, LLC” and had Clarence Walters listed as the owner along with his contact information.

“Well, Clarence, I appreciate that and I will do that as soon as we get in the car,” Cara responded as she put his card in the pocket of her jeans.

“Well, then, you two have a great day and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need anything,” Simon said as he nodded to each of them and walked away.

“Follow me, Miss Knox. My car is out front,” Clarence said as he gestured towards the front door.


“Yes, Miss Knox.”

“Can you please call me Cara? I’m still not used to the whole ‘Miss Knox’ thing, and I can’t imagine I ever will be.”

“Of course, Cara. I understand. Now, we best be on our way so you’re not late to class on my first day on the job,” Clarence chuckled as he led Cara out the front door towards his black Cadillac Escalade, which also had tinted privacy windows.

Clarence opened the back passenger door, which caused Cara to give him a puzzled look. Clarence picked up immediately on her reaction.

“Sorry, Cara, but it’s company policy that you ride in the back seat. Preferably on the passenger side. It’s not only safer for you there, but also easier to extract you from the vehicle as quickly as possible when we reach our destination.”

“Oh, I see…” Cara said as she climbed into the spacious leather back seat, which had a third row of seats behind it.

“You’ll get used to it. I promise,” Clarence reassured her.

“I’ll take your word for it…” Cara said as he closed the door and made his way around the front of the car to the driver’s seat.