Cara felt the late afternoon sun on her face as it peeked through the partially opened blinds that adorned Cooper Madison’s penthouse apartment bedroom windows.

What time is it?

“Hey there, sleepyhead,” Coop’s voice came from across the room where he was sitting in a cushioned reading chair.

“Oh my God, you scared the crap out of me!”

Cara sat up in the bed, startled by the realization that Coop had been sitting there as she slept.

“How long have you been sitting there?”

“Long enough to know that you’re even prettier when you sleep.”

“Thanks… I’m not sure if I should be flattered or creeped out…”

“Do you feel better now that you got some rest?”

“Yeah, I do… what time is it anyway?”

“Just past six.”

“Oh wow, I was out for a few hours.”

“That’s a good thing. You obviously needed it.”

“I think you’re right.”

“Are you hungry? I had Simon arrange for some salads to be delivered. They’re in the fridge. I need to detox. I’ve been eating too much garbage.”

“Same here… salad sounds awesome.”

“Hey, I wanted to run something by you, too…”

“What’s that?” Cara asked.

“I spoke to your brother Jason, and we both felt that you need some protection, especially when you’re walking to class.”

“Like a bodyguard? You’re joking, right?”

“Not really a bodyguard, more like a guardian angel. You won’t even know they’re there until you need them. Jason agrees that this is the right call and he already found two great people.”

“Oh, great, so I should feel better that not only are you making decisions as to what’s best for me, but my brother is too? At what point do I have a say in this?”

“Cara, don’t be like that…”

“Don’t be like what? Upset that other people are trying to control my life? You know I’ve done pretty well for myself so far in life.”

Coop stood up before taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

“I know you have, Cara, but you also haven’t dealt with anything like this before. I have, and maybe, just maybe I know what’s best in this regard.”

“If you’re trying to make this any better you’re failing miserably…”

“It’s okay to have people help you, you know.”

“It’s also okay to want to make decisions for yourself, Coop.”

“Trust me, I get that. Just think it over, that’s all we’re asking.”

“We’re? See this is the part that is bothering me. You and my brother teaming up on me,” Cara asserted.

“That’s not what we’re doing, Cara. Listen, let’s just go eat our salads and we can talk more about it after you’ve had some time to process it.”