“Did you have a good time golfing today?” Cara asked as she spoke to Coop on the phone.

“Sure did. We had a blast!” Coop replied from the back of his Town Car as it made its way towards the Westcott Hotel from Avon.

“Did you win?”

“We were all winners today, Cara…”

“Jesus, you’re not one of those douchebags, are you?”

“Ouch… I’m just playing with you. I played a little better than your brothers, but that’s not saying much. Kind of like beating a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest…”

“I warned you!”

“To make things better, your brother Johnny offered to be my personal trainer should I want to get back to baseball. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that the ball club employs those guys already.”

“Awe, you’re a softie…”

“I really like your brother Jason, by the way. And he loves you to death. I shared a cart with him.”

“I’m glad to hear that. At least one of us is having a good day…”

“Uh-oh… what happened?”

Cara told Coop about her evening of interruptions, the weird experience at class, her paid vacation, and also how Gary Boardman jumped out at her and Mallory.

“Well then, I guess that would make for an eventful day. I’m sorry, Cara.”

“I’ve just been hiding out in my dorm room all day. Thankfully, the walk back to the dorm was uneventful.”

“Why don’t you come stay with me for a bit? At least until things die down.”

“Do you really think that they’ll ever die down?”

“Yes ma’am, I do. They always do. They’ll find a new target to harass soon enough.”

“I guess I could pack a bag for a couple nights…”

“Make it quick, I’m five minutes away from you. We can pick you up out back.”

“Oh, wow… okay… let me get my stuff together.”

“Hey, Cara…”

“Yes, Coop?”

“I really missed you.”

“I missed you, too. A lot...”

“See you in a few…”


Cara pressed END on her cell phone and took a deep breath. She only had a few minutes to pack up her things and meet Coop outside. She was surprised as to how excited she felt as she packed her bag. She certainly had never felt this way about seeing Kenny.

Cara gave her bag the once-over and made sure that she had everything she needed for the next few days and exited her dorm room. She couldn’t wait to see Coop and feel the safety of his apartment at the Westcott.