“Who is this?” Cara asked firmly.

“Does Cooper Madison have any rich friends?”

The voices on the other end of the line erupted in laughter.

“Grow up…” Cara said as she hung the phone up. She decided to pull the plug on her dorm phone and if anyone wanted to reach her they would have to call her cell.

The rest of the night was pretty quiet, with the exception of a few random knocks, followed by footsteps running away. Cara barely slept. She had a class in the morning followed by a shift at Stucky’s in the afternoon.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day…


Thank God I have my own bathroom…

One of the other benefits of being one of the only seniors to reside on campus at Viking Hall was the fact that the single occupancy rooms for upperclassmen on the 5th floor also had their own bathrooms. In light of recent events, Cara was very thankful to be able to shower in the privacy of her own room.

After getting ready, Cara sent her old roommate Mallory Perriman a text asking if she’d walk with her to her morning class. Mallory also had a class in the same building at that time, and Cara had not talked to her since the night of the fire alarm.

Cara was confident that she could trust Mallory. They each had a lot of blackmail stories from their freshman year of college, and Mallory had always been a good friend. In fact, she was one of Cara’s best friends.

Cara didn’t have a big circle of friends in college, which she preferred. Mallory was second only to Cara’s best friend from high school, Lucy Eckert, who was just returning from a year abroad in Spain.

Mallory responded that she would meet her at her door in a few minutes. Cara instantly felt better about going to class. She needed someone with her that she could trust.

“Good morning Sunshine! You look like shit…” Mallory said a few minutes later when Cara opened the door.

Cara could always count on Mallory to be brutally honest, and she loved that about her.

“Thanks, Mal, I slept like shit, too…”

As they began their walk to class Cara told her about the late night visitors and phone call.

“I didn’t even realize that you were at the dorm. I figured you were shacking up with Mr. Baseball. You should’ve slept in my room. We could’ve snuck you up there,” Mallory responded.

“Hindsight is 20/20… sorry I didn’t tell you before about the interview,” Cara said.

“Girl, you don’t need to apologize to me. If I was in your shoes I would’ve already dropped out and moved into his place like a squatter!”

“You’re crazy, Mal! Besides, I promised my parents that I would graduate on time. It hasn’t even been a week for crying out loud! Why is everyone so worried that I’m going to throw my life away for a guy I just started dating?”

“Because he’s FAMOUS! And RICH! Not to mention, HOT! Most girls would marry him TO-DAY without even knowing him on that alone.”

“Well, not this girl…”

“Yeah, but you’re totally in love already. I can tell…”

“I think it’s too early to use the word ‘love’, don’t you?”

“I don’t, actually. I think that you can fall in love with someone the moment you get to know them. But, maybe that’s just all the Renee Zellweger movies talking…”

“The ESPN guy said that we are like a real-life Julia Roberts movie…”

“See! I know what I’m talking about!”

As the two coeds made their way towards the math building for class, they were startled by the sounds of a camera shutter coming from behind the tall bushes outside the building. He came out from behind the bushes and kept snapping away as he approached the girls.

“What the hell?” Mallory said as she saw a bald, heavy-set man approaching her with a camera.