“I love you, too, Sweetie. Thanks for letting us know. Make sure you get some sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow night. Bye…”

Joanne Knox hung up after her rare, albeit long, phone conversation with her daughter. Cara told her all about Kenny’s CMZ article, the ESPN interview, and that she was staying at Cooper Madison’s place that night because she didn’t feel comfortable being at Viking Hall.

Cara had also made one request of her mother.

“The ESPN interview is going to air tomorrow night at six. I know you’re supposed to work and it’s my night with dad, but I really was hoping you might be able to switch shifts with Clarice and stay home. I’ll bring dinner and maybe we can all watch together?” Cara had asked.

“I’m sure I can get Clarice to trade me shifts, and even if she can’t I will make sure I’m there to watch with you.”

“Thanks, Mom...”

It had been a long time since Joanne’s independent and stubborn daughter had made her feel needed. While it wasn’t under the best circumstances, she still found herself cherishing the moment.

“Will Cooper be joining you?”

“As long as you guys are okay with it...”

“Of course we are. He seems like a really sweet guy, not to mention he’s gorgeous, Cara. And that southern charm…”

“Mom, staahhpp,” Cara urged.

“I’m just telling you that as far as I’m concerned, he seems like he’d be worth the trouble…”

“Okay, you’re grossing me out now, Mom…”

“Oh Cara, you’re too easy to rile up…”

“He is, though… at least I think he is…”

“Worth it?”

“Yeah… I can’t explain it…”

“Then don’t, Cara. Just take it for what it is and enjoy the fact that you seem to have found something that’s inexplicable. One thing I’ve learned in this life is that everything doesn’t have to make sense to be good.”

“Perfectly imperfect, right?” Cara said, referring to her father’s favorite quote.

Joanne glanced over at her husband as Cara said the words that he had uttered so many times before. He was sitting in his wheelchair watching a rerun of Bonanza. She would give anything to hear him say those words again.

“Should I invite your brothers over?”

“I’d rather not… this will be uncomfortable enough as it is.”

Charlie’s voice brought Joanne’s replay of the conversation to an abrupt end.

“Are you going to tell me what my daughter said, or just stand there with that dumb look on your face?”

Joanne’s eyes narrowed.

“She called to ask why her father is such an asshole to her mother…”

“BS… she already knows the answer to that.”

“She wanted to let us know that she’s going to be on TV tomorrow night and asked if I’d switch shifts with Clarice and watch it with her. She and Cooper are going to bring dinner.”

“TV? What for?” Charlie asked, dropping the sarcastic tone for once.