“I really feel bad for Kenny, despite the fact he did this,” Cara said. “He’s obviously struggling with the reality that he’s been in college longer than most doctors, failed as a college basketball player, and has let partying get the best of him. That’s why I broke up with him a long, long time ago. I worry about his health and safety, Shane. He has a lot of issues, and I find it sad and pathetic that he decided to take those issues out on me.”

“It certainly seems to be that way, and I can only imagine that it’s taken a toll on you,” Shane agreed.

“I feel something awful about it, to be honest,” Coop said.

“How so?” Shane asked.

“Well, because, she didn’t ask for any of this attention, and since she met me she’s had her entire life opened up for examination. It’s new for me in a way, too. I’ve always seemed to date other people who were either already in the public eye, or at least desperately trying to be. I’ve never had to worry about protecting someone from it, and I feel like I failed her right from the start.”

“For the record, I do not feel that way,” Cara said, looking straight at Coop.

“I don’t know how you don’t,” Coop replied, looking into her eyes. The two seemed to forget that they were being interviewed. Shane, sensing this, wisely nodded to his crew to keep rolling.

“Because I’m the one who insisted on you leaving your comfort zone, and for whatever reason you did. Because, I wanted to go fishing… A girl you just met. You threw away months of carefully planned solitude and privacy just to take me fishing…”

Cara’s last sentence was barely audible as her eyes began to well up.

“The only thing you made me do was realize I wanted to take you anywhere you wanted to go. I didn’t feel like I was throwing anything away,” Coop responded.

“I just feel like I’ve complicated what was a blissfully uncomplicated existence for you,” Cara replied as a tear made its way down her cheek.

“I don’t think you realize yet just how much I want to know you, all of you, even if it’s complicated…”

The two kissed, their lips slowly pressed together as Coop’s hand gently lifted Cara’s chin up.

Shane Aspen waited a few seconds and then signaled for the crew to cut and that snapped the couple out of their trance.

“Oh my God, I’m sorry…” Cara immediately turned red and felt embarrassed.

“Please, don’t be,” Shane responded. “You two have no idea how amazing that was. If I hadn’t already gone over the entire interview with you beforehand I would’ve assumed you had scripted that last part. But, you can’t script that stuff. That was raw emotion. I have a feeling that I just interviewed America’s newest sweethearts. Listen, we have some exterior shots to get and then we will send Todd the final edit by tomorrow morning for approval. The network is planning on airing this tomorrow night in a primetime special during SportsCenter.”

“America’s newest sweethearts?” Cara asked, sounding like the words were poison in her mouth.

“Yeah… that’s not what we were going for, Shane…” Coop agreed.

“Listen, even if we cut that last part out, America is going to eat you two up. You guys are like a living, breathing Julia Roberts movie. Unfortunately, while it might not be what you want, it’s what you’re gonna get. Might as well embrace it. Life could be worse,” Shane replied.