“It’s going to be okay…” Coop whispered as he held her.

“How can you even say that?”

“Unfortunately, I’ve had a lot of experience…”

“Everyone is going to think I’m a gold-digging whore…”

“Not everyone, but some will, and that’s just the way it is. What matters is how those who really know you feel about you, and I think you already know the answer to that.”

“Oh my god… my family is going to read this… if they already haven’t…”

“They probably have, and they certainly will. People will make sure they do. It’s human nature.”

“What should I do? Should I call them?”

“Only if you think it will make you feel better. If not, then don’t. You need to focus on what’s going to make you feel best at this moment.”

“Slashing Kenny’s tires would be a start…”

“That would just add fuel to the fire.”

“I know, but it would feel great…”

“My agent thinks that I should do an interview with ESPN.”

“ESPN? About me?”

“Not exactly… they’ve been after me to do an exclusive interview for months. A lot of people have questions for me since I left Mizz-ippy…”

“Why did you leave?”

“A lot of reasons, I suppose. Mostly, I just felt like my life there washed away with the storm. Even though we were doing good things and making progress, I couldn’t escape the empty feeling knowing that what I lost could never be salvaged or rebuilt.”

“It didn’t help that the press wouldn’t leave you alone, I’m sure.”

“No, it certainly did not. I felt like they were trying to take this tragedy and turn it into a hero piece about me. That was the last thing I wanted. I just wanted to blend in.”

“I can relate…”

“Just another thing we have in common, I suppose…” Coop chuckled.

“Do you want to do the interview?”

“No, but it’s the best way to set people straight about you, and me, and a lot of things. It’ll give us a chance to tell the story.”

“Then let’s do it,” Cara said.

“You sure?”

“Positive. But, it has to be today.”


“Yes, today. If they want it bad enough they’ll make it happen.”

“Why today?”

“Because if I don’t get to say what I want to say, today, then I’ll lose my mind.”

“Well then, I’ll call Todd…”