“They found out who she is. Turns out her ex-boyfriend is a fan of CMZ and he has already sold his story.”

“How bad is it?” Coop asked, already knowing the answer.

“Well, I don’t think that Miss Knox is going to like the way her ex has portrayed her. Of course, I don’t think any of my exes would paint a pretty picture of me, either…”

“What did he say?”

“Standard ex-boyfriend stuff, but he also eluded to some unflattering accusations about her sex life, without actually saying anything…”

“She doesn’t deserve this…”

“Nobody deserves this type of crap, Coop, but it is what it is. If you really like this girl, you better start getting ahead of these things. Do an interview with-”

“An interview? We just started dating!” Coop interrupted.

“No shit, Coop, but the longer you wait, the more chances everybody else in her life has to write the narrative.”

“She’s going to hate me…”

“She’ll get over it. Just show her those big beautiful eyes…”

“Screw you, T…” Coop managed to laugh. Todd always had a way of getting him to relax.

“Listen, I’m going to set you up with one of my clients at ESPN, Shane Aspen. He’s been dying to do a piece on Cooper Madison. Everybody has. We will give him an exclusive and he can work Cara into the piece. He’s on our side, so it won’t be a hatchet job and I’ll get a final say before they broadcast it.”

“So, what, they’re gonna come here? This is exactly why I came here to begin with, T…”

“Well, if you really care about this girl it’s the best way to handle your side of things, and also you can let people know that you’re still alive…”

“Let me holler back at you after I talk to Cara.”

“I’ll be waiting…”

Coop pressed “END” on the phone and walked back into the apartment. As he approached the kitchen table he could see Cara staring at his laptop.

Oh, boy…

As he made his way around and sat down next to her, he could see that her tanned face was red with anger and humiliation.

“He is such a lying scumbag… how could he do this to me?” Cara said, shaking. Tears were welling up in her eyes.


“I knew when you walked out that something obviously happened. I had to see for myself…” she interrupted. Coop took the cue and just let her go. He’d been there before, many times, and it never gets any easier to see someone write things about you that aren’t true.

“He basically called me a slut…” Cara said as she stood up abruptly and pointed at the computer screen.

Coop tried to grab her hand, but she pulled back and started yelling at him instead of the screen.

“I am not a SLUT! In fact, I’m the furthest thing from a slut! I’ve had sex with two people in my life. TWO! Then he said that I’m just after your money!”

Cara wasn’t finished.

“I am going to kill him. I am going to go over to his place and I am going to beat the freaking crap out of him...”

Coop stood up and wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug, and Cara began to weep. He felt her body start to go limp and he eased both of their bodies to the kitchen floor and held her as she cried.

“How could he…” she said over and over as she wept.