“Sure thing, Mist… I mean Charlie.”

Cara knew full well what was going on. Not only did her father not need anyone’s help to go outside, he typically abhorred it. She also knew that her dad needed to do this, more for his sake than hers.

As Coop pushed Charlie down the three-tiered ramp towards the detached garage, he noticed the old basketball hoop that was hanging over the garage door and driveway. It was one of the old white and orange crescent-shaped hoops that were popular in the 80’s when Charlie installed it for Jason. It no longer had a net on it, but you could tell that it had been used quite often during its time perched above the garage. There was also the faint remnants of what was once a painted free throw line.

“Listen, Cooper. I know that when you look at me you probably see a weak and feeble man, because, well, I am. But, I’m also Cara’s father, and like any father, I want to protect my baby.”

“Yessir, absolutely-”

“Let me finish, son…”

“Yessir, I’m sorry, go on…”

“Even if I wasn’t in this goddamned wheelchair, I know that it wouldn’t make much of a difference. You’re a damn giant, so I’m not going to threaten you with physical harm if you hurt her. Instead, I’m just going to ask you what the hell you’re doing with her in the first place?”

“I would never hurt your daughter, Charlie. As far as what I’m doing with her, well, I sure hope that you would know that by now sir… If you don’t mind me saying.”

“Come again, son?”

“Well sir, I’ve only known your daughter for a couple days and I already know what an amazing young woman she is. She isn’t afraid to challenge me, and she’s the first girl I’ve met since I was a kid who didn’t seem to give a damn that I used to be a pro baseball player. She didn’t even know who the hell I was when she met me. I’ve never met anyone quite like her. I haven’t had much of a social life for months. Hell, I rarely even leave my apartment. Then comes along this delivery girl who seems to make me want to be outside those walls if it means I get to see her. So, I guess to answer your question, I’ll just say that I can’t possibly tell you anything that you don’t already know...”

Charlie looked up at the young man standing in front of him, and kind of chuckled. That chuckle soon turned into a full out belly laugh.

Cara, watching from inside the patio door, couldn’t believe her eyes. She had not seen her father laugh like that in ages.

What the hell did he say to Dad?

“I have to give it to you, Cooper. That was some answer, young man. You sure talk a lot for a guy that has been living like a recluse, you know,” Charlie laughed.

“I wouldn’t call myself a recluse. I just needed to hit the pause button on life for a bit, I suppose.”

“I can empathize, but I’m not gonna lie, Cooper – I have some reservations about your intentions with my daughter. From the sound of it, she’s going to be the one making the major adjustments, not you. You’re used to that life… She’s used to blending in, and to be honest, I’ve always found some comfort in that. Life is complicated enough as it is…”

“Likewise, I’m not going to lie and tell you that I know exactly where any of this is going, either. What I can tell you is that I can’t think of anything I want to do other than find out just that.”

“Fair enough… Just make me one promise.”


“Even though she likes to present herself as this tough and independent young woman, it’s just a front. At the end of the day, she’s as vulnerable as any of us. Don’t ever forget that…”

“I won’t…”

“Then you have my blessing… for now.”