"Jeffrey Madison! Stop scaring our boy!" Cooper's mom, Kelsey interjected, "Cuppah, they've been telling that old wives tale for hundreds of years. Nawlins ain't goin nowhere, baby."

"Never say never, Momma!" Jeffrey replied in a way that showed he had accomplished his objective of riling his wife up. "C'mon y'all, let's go get some beignets while we still can!" he said as he used a tone that indicated the end was near.

As they walked away towards the world-famous Cafe Du Monde for their traditional New Orleans breakfast of the messy-yet-delicious beignets, Cooper couldn't help but imagine the whole city underwater.

Sensing this, his father put his arm around him and said, "Cuppah, you know your Momma's always right, and this is no different. Don't let it ruin your breakfast, now…"

"Yessir," Cooper replied, as they made their way to breakfast.

The sound of clubhouse attendant, Louis Isaacs, snapped Cooper out of his daydream.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is the first time in my life that I am glad I am NOT in Nawlins… Your daddy got out of there, right, Coop?" Louis asked.

He grew up outside of Baton Rouge, Louisiana before his father moved he and his family to Chicago as a young teenager. Even though he had been in Chicago for more years than the south, he still had a bit of a drawl and knew the power that these hurricanes could bring.

"No sir, he sure did not," Cooper replied, showing his frustration, "He's staying with Butkus at the high school."

Louis, who always liked the way Cooper treated him with respect, sensed this and tried to calm his fears, "I'm sure your daddy is gonna be fine, Coop. He's been through worse… had to raise your ass!!"

Cooper laughed, as the joke wasn't expected, but very much appreciated.